
  • Add catalog support (#194)
  • fix dbExistsTable to catch update AWS error message.
  • add support to dbplyr

Bug Fix:


  • Remove AWS calls to AWS Glue
  • Remove reader soft dependency

Bug Fix:


  • Add clear_s3_resource parameter to RAthena_options to prevent AWS Athena output AWS S3 resource being cleared up by dbClearResult (RAthena # 168). Thanks to @juhoautio for the request.
  • Support extra paws parameters (RAthena # 169)
  • Support endpoint_override parameter allow default endpoints for each service to be overridden accordingly (RAthena # 169). Thanks to @aoyh for the request and checking the package in development.

Bug Fix:

  • Fixed unit test helper function test_data to use size parameter explicitly.


  • Allow all information messages to be turned off (#178)
  • Allow noctua_options to change 1 parameter at a time without affecting other pre-configured settings
  • Return warning message for deprecated retry_quiet parameter in noctua_options function.


  • Add support dbplyr 2.0.0 backend API.
  • Add method to set unload on a package level to allow dplyr to benefit from AWS Athena unload methods (#174).

Bug Fix:

  • Ensure dbGetQuery, dbExecute, dbSendQuery, dbSendStatement work on older versions of R (#170). Thanks to @tyner for identifying issue.
  • Caching would fail when statement wasn’t a character (#171). Thanks to @ramnathv for identifying issue.


  • Add support to AWS Athena UNLOAD (#160). This is to take advantage of read/write speed parquet has to offer.
import awswrangler as wr

import getpass
bucket = getpass.getpass()
path = f"s3://{bucket}/data/"

if "awswrangler_test" not in wr.catalog.databases().values:

cols = ["id", "dt", "element", "value", "m_flag", "q_flag", "s_flag", "obs_time"]

df = wr.s3.read_csv(
    parse_dates=["dt", "obs_time"])  # Read 10 files from the 1890 decade (~1GB)


wr.catalog.table(database="awswrangler_test", table="noaa")


con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena())

# Query ran using CSV output
  df = dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM awswrangler_test.noaa")
# Info: (Data scanned: 80.88 MB)
#    user  system elapsed
#  57.004   8.430 160.567 

noctua::noctua_options(cache_size = 1)

# Query ran using UNLOAD Parquet output
  df = dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM awswrangler_test.noaa", unload = T)
# Info: (Data scanned: 80.88 MB)
#    user  system elapsed 
#  21.622   2.350  39.232 

# Query ran using cache
  df = dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM awswrangler_test.noaa", unload = T)
# Info: (Data scanned: 80.88 MB)
#    user  system elapsed 
#  13.738   1.886  11.029 

Bug Fix:

  • sql_translate_env correctly translates R functions quantile and median to AWS Athena equivalents (#153). Thanks to @ellmanj for spotting issue.


  • Support AWS Athena timestamp with time zone data type.
  • Properly support data type list when converting data to AWS Athena SQL format.


x = 5

dt = data.table(
  var1 = sample(LETTERS, size = x, T),
  var2 = rep(list(list("var3"= 1:3, "var4" = list("var5"= letters[1:5]))), x)

con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena())

#> Version: 2.2.0

sqlData(con, dt)

# Registered S3 method overwritten by 'jsonify':
#   method     from    
#   print.json jsonlite
# Info: Special characters "\t" has been converted to " " to help with Athena reading file format tsv
#    var1                                                   var2
# 1:    1 {"var3":[1,2,3],"var4":{"var5":["a","b","c","d","e"]}}
# 2:    2 {"var3":[1,2,3],"var4":{"var5":["a","b","c","d","e"]}}
# 3:    3 {"var3":[1,2,3],"var4":{"var5":["a","b","c","d","e"]}}
# 4:    4 {"var3":[1,2,3],"var4":{"var5":["a","b","c","d","e"]}}
# 5:    5 {"var3":[1,2,3],"var4":{"var5":["a","b","c","d","e"]}}

#> Version: 2.1.0

sqlData(con, dt)

# Info: Special characters "\t" has been converted to " " to help with Athena reading file format tsv
#    var1                                        var2
# 1:    1 1:3|list(var5 = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))
# 2:    2 1:3|list(var5 = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))
# 3:    3 1:3|list(var5 = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))
# 4:    4 1:3|list(var5 = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))
# 5:    5 1:3|list(var5 = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))

v-2.2.0 now converts lists into json lines format so that AWS Athena can parse with sql array/mapping/json functions. Small down side a s3 method conflict occurs when jsonify is called to convert lists into json lines. jsonify was choose in favor to jsonlite due to the performance improvements (#156).

Bug Fix:

  • dbIsValid wrongly stated connection is valid for result class when connection class was disconnected.
  • sql_translate_env.paste broke with latest version of dbplyr. New method is compatible with dbplyr>=1.4.3 (#149).


Bug Fix:

  • Fix issue of keyboard interrupt failing to raise interrupt error.

API Change

  • AthenaConnection class: ptr and info slots changed from list to environment with in AthenaConnect class. Allows class to be updated by reference. Simplifies notation when viewing class from RStudio environment tab.
  • AthenaResult class: info slot changed from list to environment. Allows class to be updated by reference.

By utilising environments for AthenaConnection and AthenaResult, all AthenaResult classes created from AthenaConnection will point to the same ptr and info environments for it’s connection. Previously ptr and info would make a copy. This means if it was modified it would not affect the child or parent class for example:

# Old Method
con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena(),
                 rstudio_conn_tab = F)

res <- dbExecute(con, "select 'helloworld'")

# modifying parent class to influence child
con@info$made_up <- "helloworld"

# nothing happened
# > NULL

# modifying child class to influence parent
res@connection@info$made_up <- "oh no!"

# nothing happened
# > "helloworld"

# New Method
con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena(),
                 rstudio_conn_tab = F)

res <- dbExecute(con, "select 'helloworld'")

# modifying parent class to influence child
con@info$made_up <- "helloworld"

# picked up change
# > "helloworld"

# modifying child class to influence parent
res@connection@info$made_up <- "oh no!"

# picked up change
# > "oh no!"

New Feature

  • Added support to AWS Athena data types [array, row, map, json, binary, ipaddress] (#135). Conversion types can be changed through dbConnect and noctua_options.


# default conversion methods
con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena())

# change json conversion method
noctua_options(json = "character")
# [1] "character"

# change json conversion to custom method
noctua_options(json = jsonify::from_json)
# function (json, simplify = TRUE, fill_na = FALSE, buffer_size = 1024) 
# {
#   json_to_r(json, simplify, fill_na, buffer_size)
# }
# <bytecode: 0x7f823b9f6830>
#   <environment: namespace:jsonify>

# change bigint conversion without affecting custom json conversion methods
noctua_options(bigint = "numeric")
# function (json, simplify = TRUE, fill_na = FALSE, buffer_size = 1024) 
# {
#   json_to_r(json, simplify, fill_na, buffer_size)
# }
# <bytecode: 0x7f823b9f6830>
#   <environment: namespace:jsonify>

# [1] "numeric"

# change binary conversion without affect, bigint or json methods
noctua_options(binary = "character")
# function (json, simplify = TRUE, fill_na = FALSE, buffer_size = 1024) 
# {
#   json_to_r(json, simplify, fill_na, buffer_size)
# }
# <bytecode: 0x7f823b9f6830>
#   <environment: namespace:jsonify>

# [1] "numeric"

# [1] "character"

# no conversion for json objects
con2 <- dbConnect(noctua::athena(), json = "character")

# use custom json parser
con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena(), json = jsonify::from_json)
  • Allow users to turn off RStudio Connection Tab when working in RStudio (#136). This can be done through parameter rstudio_conn_tab within dbConnect.

Bug Fix

  • AWS Athena uses float data type for the DDL only, noctua was wrongly parsing float data type back to R. Instead AWS Athena uses data type real in SQL functions like select cast https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/data-types.html. noctua now correctly parses real to R’s data type double (#133)
  • Iterate through each token AWS returns to get all results from AWS Glue catalogue (#137)

New Feature

  • Added optional formatting to dbGetPartition. This simply tidies up the default AWS Athena partition format.

con <- dbConnect(athena())
dbGetPartition(con, "test_df2", .format = T)
# Info: (Data scanned: 0 Bytes)
#    year month day
# 1: 2020    11  17
dbGetPartition(con, "test_df2")
# Info: (Data scanned: 0 Bytes)
#                    partition
# 1: year=2020/month=11/day=17
  • Support different formats for returning bigint, this is to align with other DBI interfaces i.e. RPostgres. Now bigint can be return in the possible formats: [“integer64”, “integer”, “numeric”, “character”]
con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena(), bigint = "numeric")

When switching between the different file parsers the bigint to be represented according to the file parser i.e. data.table: “integer64” -> vroom: “I”.

Bug Fix

  • dbRemoveTable: Check if key has “.” or ends with “/” before adding “/” to the end (#125)
  • Added uuid minimum version to fix issue (#128)


  • Added note to dbRemoveTable doc string around aws athena table Location in Amazon S3.


  • Added package checks to unit tests when testing a suggested dependency. This is to fix “CRAN Package Check Results for Package noctua” for operating system “r-patched-solaris-x86”. Error message:
Error: write_parquet requires the arrow package, please install it first and try again

Bug Fix

  • dbRemoveTable would error if AWS S3 files for Athena table have been removed:
Error in seq.default(1, length(l), 1000) : wrong sign in 'by' argument

Now a warning message will be returned:

Warning message:
Failed to remove AWS S3 files from: "s3://{bucket}/{prefix}/". Please check if AWS S3 files exist.

Minor Change

  • dbRemoveTable now removes AWS S3 objects using delete_objects instead of delete_object. This allows noctua to delete AWS S3 files in batches. This will reduce the number of api calls to AWS and comes with a performance improvement.


X <- 1010
value <- data.table(x = 1:X,
                    y = sample(letters, X, replace = T), 
                    z = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), X, replace = T))

con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena())

# create a removable table with 1010 parquet files in AWS S3.
dbWriteTable(con, "rm_tbl", value, file.type = "parquet", overwrite = T, max.batch = 1)

# old method: delete_object
system.time({dbRemoveTable(con, "rm_tbl", confirm = T)})
# user  system elapsed 
# 31.004   8.152 115.906 

# new method: delete_objects
system.time({dbRemoveTable(con, "rm_tbl", confirm = T)})
# user  system elapsed 
# 17.319   0.370  22.709 

New Feature

  • Move sql_escape_date into dplyr_integration.R backend (RAthena: # 121).
  • Allow noctua to append to a static AWS s3 location using uuid

Bug Fix

  • parquet file.types now use parameter use_deprecated_int96_timestamps set to TRUE. This puts POSIXct data type in to java.sql.Timestamp compatible format, such as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss[.f...]. Thanks to Christian N Wolz for highlight this issue.
  • When more than 1000 files exist in the back of an Athena table. dbRemoveTable will ask the user twice to confirm if they wish to remove the backend files:
Info: The S3 objects in prefix will be deleted:
Info: The S3 objects in prefix will be deleted:

To overcome this dbRemoveTable will opt for paws::s3()$list_objects_v2 instead of paws::s3()$list_objects when listing s3 objects to be deleted. This allows noctua to iterate over AWS s3 prefix using tokens, instead of deleting objects in chunks. * s3_upload_location simplified how s3 location is built. Now s3.location parameter isn’t affected and instead only additional components e.g. name, schema and partition. * dbplyr v-2.0.0 function in_schema now wraps strings in quotes, this breaks db_query_fields.AthenaConnection. Now db_query_fields.AthenaConnection removes any quotation from the string so that it can search AWS GLUE for table metadata. (#117)

Bug Fix

  • Pass a uuid string to start_query_execution parameter ClientRequestToken. This so that the ClientRequestToken is “A unique case-sensitive string used to ensure the request to create the query is idempotent (executes only once).” (#104)
  • Allowed cache_size to equal 100
  • Do not abort if a glue::get_tables api call fails (e.g., due to missing permissions to a specific database or an orphaned Lake Formation resource link) when retrieving a list of database tables with dbListTables, dbGetTables or in Rstudio’s Connections pane.

New Feature

  • noctua now supports Keyboard Interrupt and will stop AWS Athena running the query when the query has been interrupted. To keep the functionality of AWS Athena running when R has been interrupt a new parameter has been added to dbConnect, keyboard_interrupt. Example:

# Stop AWS Athena when R has been interrupted:

con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena())

# Let AWS Athena keep running when R has been interrupted:

con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena(),
                 keyboard_interrupt = F)

Minor Change

  • Fixed issue where noctua would return a data.frame for utility SQL queries regardless of backend file parser. This is due to AWS Athena outputting SQL UTILITY queries as a text file that required to be read in line by line. Now noctua will return the correct data format based on file parser set in noctua_options for example: noctua_options("vroom") will return tibbles.


  • Added documentation to highlight behaviour dbClearResult when user doesn’t have permission to delete AWS S3 objects (#96)

New Feature

  • functions that collect or push to AWS S3 now have a retry capability. Meaning if API call fails then the call is retried (#79)
  • noctua_options contains 2 new parameters to control how noctua handles retries.
  • dbFetch is able to return data from AWS Athena in chunk. This has been achieved by passing NextToken to AthenaResult s4 class. This method won’t be as fast n = -1 as each chunk will have to be process into data frame format.

con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena())
res <- dbExecute(con, "select * from some_big_table limit 10000")
dbFetch(res, 5000)
  • When creating/appending partitions to a table, dbWriteTable opts to use alter table instead of standard msck repair table. This is to improve performance when appending to tables with high number of existing partitions.
  • dbWriteTable now allows json to be appended to json ddls created with the Openx-JsonSerDe library.
  • dbConvertTable brings dplyr::compute functionality to base package, allowing noctua to use the power of AWS Athena to convert tables and queries to more efficient file formats in AWS S3 (RAthena: # 37).
  • Extended dplyr::compute to give same functionality of dbConvertTable
  • Added region_name check before making a connection to AWS Athena (RAthena: # 110)

Bug Fix

  • dbWriteTable would throw throttling error every now and again, retry_api_call as been built to handle the parsing of data between R and AWS S3.
  • dbWriteTable did not clear down all metadata when uploading to AWS Athena


  • dbWriteTable added support ddl structures for user who have created ddl’s outside of noctua
  • added vignette around how to use noctua retry functionality
  • Moved all examples requiring credentials to \dontrun (#91)

New Feature

  • Inspired by pyathena, noctua_options now has a new parameter cache_size. This implements local caching in R environments instead of using AWS list_query_executions. This is down to dbClearResult clearing S3’s Athena output when caching isn’t disabled
  • noctua_options now has clear_cache parameter to clear down all cached data.
  • dbRemoveTable now utilise AWS Glue to remove tables from AWS Glue catalog. This has a performance enhancement:


con = dbConnect(noctua::athena())

# upload iris dataframe for removal test
dbWriteTable(con, "iris2", iris)

# Athena method
system.time(dbRemoveTable(con, "iris2", confirm = T))
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.247   0.091   2.243 

# upload iris dataframe for removal test
dbWriteTable(con, "iris2", iris)

# Glue method
system.time(dbRemoveTable(con, "iris2", confirm = T))
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.110   0.045   1.094 

con = dbConnect(noctua::athena())
dbWriteTable(con, "iris2", iris, file.type = "json")
dbGetQuery(con, "select * from iris2")

Bug Fix

  • dbConnect didn’t correct pass .internal metadata for paws objects.
  • RStudio connection tab functions:computeHostName & computeDisplayName now get region name from info object from dbConnect S4 class.
  • dbWriteTable appending to existing table compress file type was incorrectly return.
  • Rstudio connection tab comes into an issue when Glue Table isn’t stored correctly (RAthena: # 92)


  • Added supported environmental variable AWS_REGION into dbConnect
  • Vignettes added:
    • AWS Athena Query Cache
    • AWS S3 backend
    • Changing Backend File Parser
    • Getting Started

Unit tests:

  • Increase coverage to + 80%

Bug Fix

  • writeBin: Only 2^31 - 1 bytes can be written in a single call (and that is the maximum capacity of a raw vector on 32-bit platforms). This means that it will error out with large raw connections. To over come this writeBin can be called in chunks. If readr is available on system then readr::write_file is used for extra speed.


# creating some dummy data for testing
X <- 1e8
df <- 
    w = runif(X),
    x = 1:X,
    y = sample(letters, X, replace = T), 
    z = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), X, replace = T))
write_csv(df, "test.csv")

# read in text file into raw format
obj <- readBin("test.csv", what = "raw", n = file.size("test.csv"))

format(object.size(obj), units = "auto")
# 3.3 Gb

# writeBin in a loop
write_bin <- function(
  chunk_size = 2L ^ 20L) {
  total_size <- length(value)
  split_vec <- seq(1, total_size, chunk_size)
  con <- file(filename, "a+b")
  sapply(split_vec, function(x){writeBin(value[x:min(total_size,(x+chunk_size-1))],con)})

microbenchmark(writeBin_loop = write_bin(obj, tempfile()),
               readr = write_file(obj, tempfile()),
               times = 5)

# Unit: seconds
# expr       min       lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
# R_loop 41.463273 41.62077 42.265778 41.908908 42.022042 44.313893     5
# readr  2.291571  2.40495  2.496871  2.542544  2.558367  2.686921     5

# Before
translate_sql("2019-01-01", con = con)
# '2019-01-01'

# Now
translate_sql("2019-01-01", con = con)
# DATE '2019-01-01'
  • Dependency data.table now restricted to (>=1.12.4) due to file compression being added to fwrite (>=1.12.4) https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/blob/master/NEWS.md
  • R functions paste/paste0 would use default dplyr:sql-translate-env (concat_ws). paste0 now uses Presto’s concat function and paste now uses pipes to get extra flexibility for custom separating values.

# R code:
paste("hi", "bye", sep = "-")

# SQL translation:
  • If table exists and parameter append set to TRUE then existing s3.location will be utilised (RAthena: # 73)
  • db_compute returned table name, however when a user wished to write table to another location (RAthena: # 74). An error would be raised: Error: SYNTAX_ERROR: line 2:6: Table awsdatacatalog.default.temp.iris does not exist This has now been fixed with db_compute returning dbplyr::in_schema.


con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena())

tbl(con, "iris") %>%
  compute(name = "temp.iris")
  • dbListFields didn’t display partitioned columns. This has now been fixed with the call to AWS Glue being altered to include more metadata allowing for column names and partitions to be returned.
  • RStudio connections tab didn’t display any partitioned columns, this has been fixed in the same manner as dbListFields

New Feature

  • dbStatistics is a wrapper around paws get_query_execution to return statistics for noctua::dbSendQuery results
  • dbGetQuery has new parameter statistics to print out dbStatistics before returning Athena results.
  • noctua_options
    • Now checks if desired file parser is installed before changed file_parser method
    • File parser vroom has been restricted to >= 1.2.0 due to integer64 support and changes to vroom api
  • Thanks to @OssiLehtinen for improving the speed of dplyr::tbl when calling Athena when using the ident method (#64):


con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena())

# ident method:
t1 <- system.time(tbl(con, "iris"))

# sub query method:
t2 <- system.time(tbl(con, sql("select * from iris")))

# ident method
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.082   0.012   0.288 

# sub query method
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.993   0.138   3.660 

Unit test

  • dplyr sql_translate_env: expected results have now been updated to take into account bug fix with date fields
  • S3 upload location: Test if the created s3 location is in the correct location

New Feature

  • Added integration into Rstudio connections tab
  • Added information message of amount of data scanned by AWS Athena
  • Added method to change backend file parser so user can change file parser from data.table to vroom. From now on it is possible to change file parser using noctua_options for example:
  • new function dbGetTables that returns Athena hierarchy as a data.frame

Unit tests

  • Added data transfer unit test for backend file parser vroom


  • Updated R documentation to roxygen2 7.0.2

Major Change

  • Default delimited file uploaded to AWS Athena changed from “csv” to “tsv” this is due to separating value “,” in character variables. By using “tsv” file type JSON/Array objects can be passed to Athena through character types. To prevent this becoming a breaking change dbWriteTable append parameter checks and uses existing AWS Athena DDL file type. If file.type doesn’t match Athena DDL file type then user will receive a warning message:

warning('Appended `file.type` is not compatible with the existing Athena DDL file type and has been converted to "', File.Type,'".', call. = FALSE)

Bug fix

  • Due to issue highlighted by @OssiLehtinen in (RAthena: # 50), special characters have issue being processed when using flat file in the backend.
  • Fixed issue where row.names not being correctly catered and returning NA in column names (RAthena: # 41)
  • Fixed issue with INTEGER being incorrectly translated in sql_translate_env.R
  • Fixed issue where as.character was getting wrongly translated (RAthena: # 45)

Unit Tests

  • Special characters have been added to unit test data-transfer
  • dbRemoveTable new parameters are added in unit test
  • Added row.names to unit test data transfer
  • Updated dplyr sql_translate_env until test to cater bug fix

New Feature

  • Due to help from @OssiLehtinen, dbRemoveTable can now remove S3 files for AWS Athena table being removed.

Minor Change

  • Added AWS_ATHENA_WORK_GROUP environmental variable support
  • Removed tolower conversion due to request (RAthena: # 41)

Major Change

  • dbWriteTable now will split gzip compressed files to improve AWS Athena performance. By default gzip compressed files will be split into 20.

Performance results

X <- 1e8
df <- data.frame(w =runif(X),
                 x = 1:X,
                 y = sample(letters, X, replace = T), 
                 z = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), X, replace = T))
con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena())
# upload dataframe with different splits
dbWriteTable(con, "test_split1", df, compress = T, max.batch = nrow(df), overwrite = T) # no splits
dbWriteTable(con, "test_split2", df, compress = T, max.batch = 0.05 * nrow(df), overwrite = T) # 20 splits
dbWriteTable(con, "test_split3", df, compress = T, max.batch = 0.1 * nrow(df), overwrite = T) # 10 splits

AWS Athena performance results from AWS console (query executed: select count(*) from .... ):

  • test_split1: (Run time: 38.4 seconds, Data scanned: 1.16 GB)
  • test_split2: (Run time: 3.73 seconds, Data scanned: 1.16 GB)
  • test_split3: (Run time: 5.47 seconds, Data scanned: 1.16 GB)

X <- 1e8
df <- data.frame(w =runif(X),
                 x = 1:X,
                 y = sample(letters, X, replace = T), 
                 z = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), X, replace = T))
con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena())
dbWriteTable(con, "test_split1", df, compress = T, overwrite = T) # default will now split compressed file into 20 equal size files.

Added information message to inform user about what files have been added to S3 location if user is overwriting an Athena table.

Minor Change

  • copy_to method now supports compress and max_batch, to align with dbWriteTable

Bug Fix

Unit tests

  • POSIXct class has now been added to data transfer unit test
  • dplyr sql_translate_env tests if R functions are correct translated in to Athena sql syntax.

New Features:

  • Parquet file type can now be compress using snappy compression when writing data to S3.

Bug fixed

  • Older versions of R are returning errors when function dbWriteTable is called. The bug is due to function sqlCreateTable which dbWriteTable calls. Parameters table and fields were set to NULL. This has now been fixed.

Minor Change

  • s3.location parameter is dbWriteTable can now be made nullable

Backend Change

  • helper function upload_data has been rebuilt and removed the old “horrible” if statement with paste now the function relies on sprintf to construct the s3 location path. This method now is a lot clearer in how the s3 location is created plus it enables a dbWriteTable to be simplified. dbWriteTable can now upload data to the default s3_staging directory created in dbConnect this simplifies dbWriteTable to :


con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena())

dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris)

Bug Fix

  • Info message wasn’t being return when colnames needed changing for Athena DDL

Unit Tests

  • data transfer test now tests compress, and default s3.location when transferring data

New Feature

  • GZIP compression is now supported for “csv” and “tsv” file format in dbWriteTable

Minor Change

  • sqlCreateTable info message will now only inform user if colnames have changed and display the column name that have changed

New Features

  • credentials are now passed through the new config = list() parameter is paws objects
  • BigInt are now passed correctly into integer64

Bug fix

  • AthenaResult returned: Error in call[[2]] : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable. The function do.call was causing the issue, to address this do.call has been removed and the helper function request has been broken down into ResultConfiguration to return a single component of start_query_execution
  • All functions that utilise do.call have been broken down due to error: Error in call[[2]] : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable

Unit Tests

  • Added bigint to integer64 in data.transfer unit test

Minor Change

  • dependency paws version has been set to a minimum of 0.1.5 due to latest change.

Major Change

  • data.table is now used as the default file parser data.table::fread / data.table::fwrite. This isn’t a breaking change as data.table was used before however this change makes data.table to default file parser.

New Features


  • dbConnect method can use the following methods:
    • assume role
    • aws profile name
    • hard coded aws credentials
    • set credentials in system variables
  • Enabled method to upload parquet file format into AWS S3 using arrow package

Athena lower level api

  • assume_role developed method for user to assume role when connecting to AWS Athena
  • developed methods to create, list, delete and get AWS Athena work groups