The dbSendQuery() and dbSendStatement() method submits a query to Athena but does not wait for query to execute. dbHasCompleted method will need to ran to check if query has been completed or not. The dbExecute() method submits a query to Athena and waits for the query to be executed.

# S4 method for AthenaConnection,character
dbSendQuery(conn, statement, unload = athena_unload(), ...)

# S4 method for AthenaConnection,character
dbSendStatement(conn, statement, unload = athena_unload(), ...)

# S4 method for AthenaConnection,character
dbExecute(conn, statement, unload = athena_unload(), ...)



A DBIConnection object, as returned by dbConnect().


a character string containing SQL.


boolean input to modify `statement` to align with AWS Athena UNLOAD, default is set to FALSE.


Other parameters passed on to methods.


Returns AthenaResult s4 class.


if (FALSE) {
# Note:
# - Require AWS Account to run below example.
# - Different connection methods can be used please see `RAthena::dbConnect` documnentation


# Demo connection to Athena using profile name
con <- dbConnect(RAthena::athena())

# Sending Queries to Athena
res1 <- dbSendQuery(con, "show databases")
res2 <- dbSendStatement(con, "show databases")
res3 <- dbExecute(con, "show databases")

# Disconnect conenction