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Update Endpoint

sagemaker_update_endpoint R Documentation

Deploys the EndpointConfig specified in the request to a new fleet of instances


Deploys the EndpointConfig specified in the request to a new fleet of instances. SageMaker shifts endpoint traffic to the new instances with the updated endpoint configuration and then deletes the old instances using the previous EndpointConfig (there is no availability loss). For more information about how to control the update and traffic shifting process, see Update models in production.

When SageMaker receives the request, it sets the endpoint status to Updating. After updating the endpoint, it sets the status to InService. To check the status of an endpoint, use the describe_endpoint API.

You must not delete an EndpointConfig in use by an endpoint that is live or while the update_endpoint or create_endpoint operations are being performed on the endpoint. To update an endpoint, you must create a new EndpointConfig.

If you delete the EndpointConfig of an endpoint that is active or being created or updated you may lose visibility into the instance type the endpoint is using. The endpoint must be deleted in order to stop incurring charges.


sagemaker_update_endpoint(EndpointName, EndpointConfigName,
  RetainAllVariantProperties, ExcludeRetainedVariantProperties,
  DeploymentConfig, RetainDeploymentConfig)



[required] The name of the endpoint whose configuration you want to update.


[required] The name of the new endpoint configuration.


When updating endpoint resources, enables or disables the retention of variant properties, such as the instance count or the variant weight. To retain the variant properties of an endpoint when updating it, set RetainAllVariantProperties to true. To use the variant properties specified in a new EndpointConfig call when updating an endpoint, set RetainAllVariantProperties to false. The default is false.


When you are updating endpoint resources with RetainAllVariantProperties, whose value is set to true, ExcludeRetainedVariantProperties specifies the list of type VariantProperty to override with the values provided by EndpointConfig. If you don't specify a value for ExcludeRetainedVariantProperties, no variant properties are overridden.


The deployment configuration for an endpoint, which contains the desired deployment strategy and rollback configurations.


Specifies whether to reuse the last deployment configuration. The default value is false (the configuration is not reused).


A list with the following syntax:

  EndpointArn = "string"

Request syntax

  EndpointName = "string",
  EndpointConfigName = "string",
  RetainAllVariantProperties = TRUE|FALSE,
  ExcludeRetainedVariantProperties = list(
      VariantPropertyType = "DesiredInstanceCount"|"DesiredWeight"|"DataCaptureConfig"
  DeploymentConfig = list(
    BlueGreenUpdatePolicy = list(
      TrafficRoutingConfiguration = list(
        Type = "ALL_AT_ONCE"|"CANARY"|"LINEAR",
        WaitIntervalInSeconds = 123,
        CanarySize = list(
          Value = 123
        LinearStepSize = list(
          Value = 123
      TerminationWaitInSeconds = 123,
      MaximumExecutionTimeoutInSeconds = 123
    RollingUpdatePolicy = list(
      MaximumBatchSize = list(
        Value = 123
      WaitIntervalInSeconds = 123,
      MaximumExecutionTimeoutInSeconds = 123,
      RollbackMaximumBatchSize = list(
        Value = 123
    AutoRollbackConfiguration = list(
      Alarms = list(
          AlarmName = "string"
  RetainDeploymentConfig = TRUE|FALSE