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Associate Vpc with Hosted Zone

route53_associate_vpc_with_hosted_zone R Documentation

Associates an Amazon VPC with a private hosted zone


Associates an Amazon VPC with a private hosted zone.

To perform the association, the VPC and the private hosted zone must already exist. You can't convert a public hosted zone into a private hosted zone.

If you want to associate a VPC that was created by using one Amazon Web Services account with a private hosted zone that was created by using a different account, the Amazon Web Services account that created the private hosted zone must first submit a create_vpc_association_authorization request. Then the account that created the VPC must submit an associate_vpc_with_hosted_zone request.

When granting access, the hosted zone and the Amazon VPC must belong to the same partition. A partition is a group of Amazon Web Services Regions. Each Amazon Web Services account is scoped to one partition.

The following are the supported partitions:

  • aws - Amazon Web Services Regions

  • aws-cn - China Regions

  • aws-us-gov - Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US) Region

For more information, see Access Management in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.


route53_associate_vpc_with_hosted_zone(HostedZoneId, VPC, Comment)



[required] The ID of the private hosted zone that you want to associate an Amazon VPC with.

Note that you can't associate a VPC with a hosted zone that doesn't have an existing VPC association.


[required] A complex type that contains information about the VPC that you want to associate with a private hosted zone.


Optional: A comment about the association request.


A list with the following syntax:

  ChangeInfo = list(
    Id = "string",
    Status = "PENDING"|"INSYNC",
    SubmittedAt = as.POSIXct(
    Comment = "string"

Request syntax

  HostedZoneId = "string",
  VPC = list(
    VPCRegion = "us-east-1"|"us-east-2"|"us-west-1"|"us-west-2"|"eu-west-1"|"eu-west-2"|"eu-west-3"|"eu-central-1"|"eu-central-2"|"ap-east-1"|"me-south-1"|"us-gov-west-1"|"us-gov-east-1"|"us-iso-east-1"|"us-iso-west-1"|"us-isob-east-1"|"me-central-1"|"ap-southeast-1"|"ap-southeast-2"|"ap-southeast-3"|"ap-south-1"|"ap-south-2"|"ap-northeast-1"|"ap-northeast-2"|"ap-northeast-3"|"eu-north-1"|"sa-east-1"|"ca-central-1"|"cn-north-1"|"af-south-1"|"eu-south-1"|"eu-south-2"|"ap-southeast-4"|"il-central-1"|"ca-west-1"|"ap-southeast-5",
    VPCId = "string"
  Comment = "string"


## Not run: 
# The following example associates the VPC with ID vpc-1a2b3c4d with the
# hosted zone with ID Z3M3LMPEXAMPLE.
  Comment = "",
  HostedZoneId = "Z3M3LMPEXAMPLE",
  VPC = list(
    VPCId = "vpc-1a2b3c4d",
    VPCRegion = "us-east-2"

## End(Not run)