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Describe Resize

redshift_describe_resize R Documentation

Returns information about the last resize operation for the specified cluster


Returns information about the last resize operation for the specified cluster. If no resize operation has ever been initiated for the specified cluster, a ⁠HTTP 404⁠ error is returned. If a resize operation was initiated and completed, the status of the resize remains as SUCCEEDED until the next resize.

A resize operation can be requested using modify_cluster and specifying a different number or type of nodes for the cluster.





[required] The unique identifier of a cluster whose resize progress you are requesting. This parameter is case-sensitive.

By default, resize operations for all clusters defined for an Amazon Web Services account are returned.


A list with the following syntax:

  TargetNodeType = "string",
  TargetNumberOfNodes = 123,
  TargetClusterType = "string",
  Status = "string",
  ImportTablesCompleted = list(
  ImportTablesInProgress = list(
  ImportTablesNotStarted = list(
  AvgResizeRateInMegaBytesPerSecond = 123.0,
  TotalResizeDataInMegaBytes = 123,
  ProgressInMegaBytes = 123,
  ElapsedTimeInSeconds = 123,
  EstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds = 123,
  ResizeType = "string",
  Message = "string",
  TargetEncryptionType = "string",
  DataTransferProgressPercent = 123.0

Request syntax

  ClusterIdentifier = "string"