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Execute Gremlin Profile Query

neptunedata_execute_gremlin_profile_query R Documentation

Executes a Gremlin Profile query, which runs a specified traversal, collects various metrics about the run, and produces a profile report as output


Executes a Gremlin Profile query, which runs a specified traversal, collects various metrics about the run, and produces a profile report as output. See Gremlin profile API in Neptune for details.

When invoking this operation in a Neptune cluster that has IAM authentication enabled, the IAM user or role making the request must have a policy attached that allows the neptune-db:ReadDataViaQuery IAM action in that cluster.

Note that the neptune-db:QueryLanguage:Gremlin IAM condition key can be used in the policy document to restrict the use of Gremlin queries (see Condition keys available in Neptune IAM data-access policy statements).


neptunedata_execute_gremlin_profile_query(gremlinQuery, results, chop,
  serializer, indexOps)



[required] The Gremlin query string to profile.


If this flag is set to TRUE, the query results are gathered and displayed as part of the profile report. If FALSE, only the result count is displayed.


If non-zero, causes the results string to be truncated at that number of characters. If set to zero, the string contains all the results.


If non-null, the gathered results are returned in a serialized response message in the format specified by this parameter. See Gremlin profile API in Neptune for more information.


If this flag is set to TRUE, the results include a detailed report of all index operations that took place during query execution and serialization.


A list with the following syntax:

  output = raw

Request syntax

  gremlinQuery = "string",
  results = TRUE|FALSE,
  chop = 123,
  serializer = "string",
  indexOps = TRUE|FALSE