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Create Map

locationservice_create_map R Documentation

Creates a map resource in your Amazon Web Services account, which provides map tiles of different styles sourced from global location data providers


Creates a map resource in your Amazon Web Services account, which provides map tiles of different styles sourced from global location data providers.

If your application is tracking or routing assets you use in your business, such as delivery vehicles or employees, you must not use Esri as your geolocation provider. See section 82 of the Amazon Web Services service terms for more details.


locationservice_create_map(MapName, Configuration, PricingPlan,
  Description, Tags)



[required] The name for the map resource.


  • Must contain only alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, 0–9), hyphens (-), periods (.), and underscores (_).

  • Must be a unique map resource name.

  • No spaces allowed. For example, ExampleMap.


[required] Specifies the MapConfiguration, including the map style, for the map resource that you create. The map style defines the look of maps and the data provider for your map resource.


No longer used. If included, the only allowed value is RequestBasedUsage.


An optional description for the map resource.


Applies one or more tags to the map resource. A tag is a key-value pair helps manage, identify, search, and filter your resources by labelling them.

Format: "key" : "value"


  • Maximum 50 tags per resource

  • Each resource tag must be unique with a maximum of one value.

  • Maximum key length: 128 Unicode characters in UTF-8

  • Maximum value length: 256 Unicode characters in UTF-8

  • Can use alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, 0–9), and the following characters: + - = . _ : / @.

  • Cannot use "aws:" as a prefix for a key.


A list with the following syntax:

  MapName = "string",
  MapArn = "string",
  CreateTime = as.POSIXct(

Request syntax

  MapName = "string",
  Configuration = list(
    Style = "string",
    PoliticalView = "string",
    CustomLayers = list(
  PricingPlan = "RequestBasedUsage"|"MobileAssetTracking"|"MobileAssetManagement",
  Description = "string",
  Tags = list(