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Create Keyspace

keyspaces_create_keyspace R Documentation

The CreateKeyspace operation adds a new keyspace to your account


The create_keyspace operation adds a new keyspace to your account. In an Amazon Web Services account, keyspace names must be unique within each Region.

create_keyspace is an asynchronous operation. You can monitor the creation status of the new keyspace by using the get_keyspace operation.

For more information, see Creating keyspaces in the Amazon Keyspaces Developer Guide.


keyspaces_create_keyspace(keyspaceName, tags, replicationSpecification)



[required] The name of the keyspace to be created.


A list of key-value pair tags to be attached to the keyspace.

For more information, see Adding tags and labels to Amazon Keyspaces resources in the Amazon Keyspaces Developer Guide.


The replication specification of the keyspace includes:

  • replicationStrategy - the required value is SINGLE_REGION or MULTI_REGION.

  • regionList - if the replicationStrategy is MULTI_REGION, the regionList requires the current Region and at least one additional Amazon Web Services Region where the keyspace is going to be replicated in. The maximum number of supported replication Regions including the current Region is six.


A list with the following syntax:

  resourceArn = "string"

Request syntax

  keyspaceName = "string",
  tags = list(
      key = "string",
      value = "string"
  replicationSpecification = list(
    replicationStrategy = "SINGLE_REGION"|"MULTI_REGION",
    regionList = list(