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Describe Mount Targets

efs_describe_mount_targets R Documentation

Returns the descriptions of all the current mount targets, or a specific mount target, for a file system


Returns the descriptions of all the current mount targets, or a specific mount target, for a file system. When requesting all of the current mount targets, the order of mount targets returned in the response is unspecified.

This operation requires permissions for the elasticfilesystem:DescribeMountTargets action, on either the file system ID that you specify in FileSystemId, or on the file system of the mount target that you specify in MountTargetId.


efs_describe_mount_targets(MaxItems, Marker, FileSystemId,
  MountTargetId, AccessPointId)



(Optional) Maximum number of mount targets to return in the response. Currently, this number is automatically set to 10, and other values are ignored. The response is paginated at 100 per page if you have more than 100 mount targets.


(Optional) Opaque pagination token returned from a previous describe_mount_targets operation (String). If present, it specifies to continue the list from where the previous returning call left off.


(Optional) ID of the file system whose mount targets you want to list (String). It must be included in your request if an AccessPointId or MountTargetId is not included. Accepts either a file system ID or ARN as input.


(Optional) ID of the mount target that you want to have described (String). It must be included in your request if FileSystemId is not included. Accepts either a mount target ID or ARN as input.


(Optional) The ID of the access point whose mount targets that you want to list. It must be included in your request if a FileSystemId or MountTargetId is not included in your request. Accepts either an access point ID or ARN as input.


A list with the following syntax:

  Marker = "string",
  MountTargets = list(
      OwnerId = "string",
      MountTargetId = "string",
      FileSystemId = "string",
      SubnetId = "string",
      LifeCycleState = "creating"|"available"|"updating"|"deleting"|"deleted"|"error",
      IpAddress = "string",
      NetworkInterfaceId = "string",
      AvailabilityZoneId = "string",
      AvailabilityZoneName = "string",
      VpcId = "string"
  NextMarker = "string"

Request syntax

  MaxItems = 123,
  Marker = "string",
  FileSystemId = "string",
  MountTargetId = "string",
  AccessPointId = "string"


## Not run: 
# This operation describes all of a file system's mount targets.
  FileSystemId = "fs-01234567"

## End(Not run)