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Restore Db Cluster from Snapshot

docdb_restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot R Documentation

Creates a new cluster from a snapshot or cluster snapshot


Creates a new cluster from a snapshot or cluster snapshot.

If a snapshot is specified, the target cluster is created from the source DB snapshot with a default configuration and default security group.

If a cluster snapshot is specified, the target cluster is created from the source cluster restore point with the same configuration as the original source DB cluster, except that the new cluster is created with the default security group.


  DBClusterIdentifier, SnapshotIdentifier, Engine, EngineVersion, Port,
  DBSubnetGroupName, VpcSecurityGroupIds, Tags, KmsKeyId,
  EnableCloudwatchLogsExports, DeletionProtection,
  DBClusterParameterGroupName, StorageType)



Provides the list of Amazon EC2 Availability Zones that instances in the restored DB cluster can be created in.


[required] The name of the cluster to create from the snapshot or cluster snapshot. This parameter isn't case sensitive.


  • Must contain from 1 to 63 letters, numbers, or hyphens.

  • The first character must be a letter.

  • Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.

Example: my-snapshot-id


[required] The identifier for the snapshot or cluster snapshot to restore from.

You can use either the name or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to specify a cluster snapshot. However, you can use only the ARN to specify a snapshot.


  • Must match the identifier of an existing snapshot.


[required] The database engine to use for the new cluster.

Default: The same as source.

Constraint: Must be compatible with the engine of the source.


The version of the database engine to use for the new cluster.


The port number on which the new cluster accepts connections.

Constraints: Must be a value from 1150 to 65535.

Default: The same port as the original cluster.


The name of the subnet group to use for the new cluster.

Constraints: If provided, must match the name of an existing DBSubnetGroup.

Example: mySubnetgroup


A list of virtual private cloud (VPC) security groups that the new cluster will belong to.


The tags to be assigned to the restored cluster.


The KMS key identifier to use when restoring an encrypted cluster from a DB snapshot or cluster snapshot.

The KMS key identifier is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the KMS encryption key. If you are restoring a cluster with the same Amazon Web Services account that owns the KMS encryption key used to encrypt the new cluster, then you can use the KMS key alias instead of the ARN for the KMS encryption key.

If you do not specify a value for the KmsKeyId parameter, then the following occurs:

  • If the snapshot or cluster snapshot in SnapshotIdentifier is encrypted, then the restored cluster is encrypted using the KMS key that was used to encrypt the snapshot or the cluster snapshot.

  • If the snapshot or the cluster snapshot in SnapshotIdentifier is not encrypted, then the restored DB cluster is not encrypted.


A list of log types that must be enabled for exporting to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.


Specifies whether this cluster can be deleted. If DeletionProtection is enabled, the cluster cannot be deleted unless it is modified and DeletionProtection is disabled. DeletionProtection protects clusters from being accidentally deleted.


The name of the DB cluster parameter group to associate with this DB cluster.

Type: String.       Required: No.

If this argument is omitted, the default DB cluster parameter group is used. If supplied, must match the name of an existing default DB cluster parameter group. The string must consist of from 1 to 255 letters, numbers or hyphens. Its first character must be a letter, and it cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.


The storage type to associate with the DB cluster.

For information on storage types for Amazon DocumentDB clusters, see Cluster storage configurations in the Amazon DocumentDB Developer Guide.

Valid values for storage type - standard | iopt1

Default value is standard


A list with the following syntax:

  DBCluster = list(
    AvailabilityZones = list(
    BackupRetentionPeriod = 123,
    DBClusterIdentifier = "string",
    DBClusterParameterGroup = "string",
    DBSubnetGroup = "string",
    Status = "string",
    PercentProgress = "string",
    EarliestRestorableTime = as.POSIXct(
    Endpoint = "string",
    ReaderEndpoint = "string",
    MultiAZ = TRUE|FALSE,
    Engine = "string",
    EngineVersion = "string",
    LatestRestorableTime = as.POSIXct(
    Port = 123,
    MasterUsername = "string",
    PreferredBackupWindow = "string",
    PreferredMaintenanceWindow = "string",
    ReplicationSourceIdentifier = "string",
    ReadReplicaIdentifiers = list(
    DBClusterMembers = list(
        DBInstanceIdentifier = "string",
        IsClusterWriter = TRUE|FALSE,
        DBClusterParameterGroupStatus = "string",
        PromotionTier = 123
    VpcSecurityGroups = list(
        VpcSecurityGroupId = "string",
        Status = "string"
    HostedZoneId = "string",
    StorageEncrypted = TRUE|FALSE,
    KmsKeyId = "string",
    DbClusterResourceId = "string",
    DBClusterArn = "string",
    AssociatedRoles = list(
        RoleArn = "string",
        Status = "string"
    CloneGroupId = "string",
    ClusterCreateTime = as.POSIXct(
    EnabledCloudwatchLogsExports = list(
    DeletionProtection = TRUE|FALSE,
    StorageType = "string"

Request syntax

  AvailabilityZones = list(
  DBClusterIdentifier = "string",
  SnapshotIdentifier = "string",
  Engine = "string",
  EngineVersion = "string",
  Port = 123,
  DBSubnetGroupName = "string",
  VpcSecurityGroupIds = list(
  Tags = list(
      Key = "string",
      Value = "string"
  KmsKeyId = "string",
  EnableCloudwatchLogsExports = list(
  DeletionProtection = TRUE|FALSE,
  DBClusterParameterGroupName = "string",
  StorageType = "string"