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List Packages

codeartifact_list_packages R Documentation

Returns a list of PackageSummary objects for packages in a repository that match the request parameters


Returns a list of PackageSummary objects for packages in a repository that match the request parameters.


codeartifact_list_packages(domain, domainOwner, repository, format,
  namespace, packagePrefix, maxResults, nextToken, publish, upstream)



[required] The name of the domain that contains the repository that contains the requested packages.


The 12-digit account number of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the domain. It does not include dashes or spaces.


[required] The name of the repository that contains the requested packages.


The format used to filter requested packages. Only packages from the provided format will be returned.


The namespace prefix used to filter requested packages. Only packages with a namespace that starts with the provided string value are returned. Note that although this option is called --namespace and not --namespace-prefix, it has prefix-matching behavior.

Each package format uses namespace as follows:

  • The namespace of a Maven package version is its groupId.

  • The namespace of an npm or Swift package version is its scope.

  • The namespace of a generic package is its namespace.

  • Python, NuGet, Ruby, and Cargo package versions do not contain a corresponding component, package versions of those formats do not have a namespace.


A prefix used to filter requested packages. Only packages with names that start with packagePrefix are returned.


The maximum number of results to return per page.


The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.


The value of the Publish package origin control restriction used to filter requested packages. Only packages with the provided restriction are returned. For more information, see PackageOriginRestrictions.


The value of the Upstream package origin control restriction used to filter requested packages. Only packages with the provided restriction are returned. For more information, see PackageOriginRestrictions.


A list with the following syntax:

  packages = list(
      format = "npm"|"pypi"|"maven"|"nuget"|"generic"|"ruby"|"swift"|"cargo",
      namespace = "string",
      package = "string",
      originConfiguration = list(
        restrictions = list(
          publish = "ALLOW"|"BLOCK",
          upstream = "ALLOW"|"BLOCK"
  nextToken = "string"

Request syntax

  domain = "string",
  domainOwner = "string",
  repository = "string",
  format = "npm"|"pypi"|"maven"|"nuget"|"generic"|"ruby"|"swift"|"cargo",
  namespace = "string",
  packagePrefix = "string",
  maxResults = 123,
  nextToken = "string",
  publish = "ALLOW"|"BLOCK",
  upstream = "ALLOW"|"BLOCK"