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Delete Repository Permissions Policy

codeartifact_delete_repository_permissions_policy R Documentation

Deletes the resource policy that is set on a repository


Deletes the resource policy that is set on a repository. After a resource policy is deleted, the permissions allowed and denied by the deleted policy are removed. The effect of deleting a resource policy might not be immediate.

Use delete_repository_permissions_policy with caution. After a policy is deleted, Amazon Web Services users, roles, and accounts lose permissions to perform the repository actions granted by the deleted policy.


codeartifact_delete_repository_permissions_policy(domain, domainOwner,
  repository, policyRevision)



[required] The name of the domain that contains the repository associated with the resource policy to be deleted.


The 12-digit account number of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the domain. It does not include dashes or spaces.


[required] The name of the repository that is associated with the resource policy to be deleted


The revision of the repository's resource policy to be deleted. This revision is used for optimistic locking, which prevents others from accidentally overwriting your changes to the repository's resource policy.


A list with the following syntax:

  policy = list(
    resourceArn = "string",
    revision = "string",
    document = "string"

Request syntax

  domain = "string",
  domainOwner = "string",
  repository = "string",
  policyRevision = "string"