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Initialize Cluster

cloudhsmv2_initialize_cluster R Documentation

Claims an CloudHSM cluster by submitting the cluster certificate issued by your issuing certificate authority (CA) and the CA's root certificate


Claims an CloudHSM cluster by submitting the cluster certificate issued by your issuing certificate authority (CA) and the CA's root certificate. Before you can claim a cluster, you must sign the cluster's certificate signing request (CSR) with your issuing CA. To get the cluster's CSR, use describe_clusters.

Cross-account use: No. You cannot perform this operation on an CloudHSM cluster in a different Amazon Web Services account.


cloudhsmv2_initialize_cluster(ClusterId, SignedCert, TrustAnchor)



[required] The identifier (ID) of the cluster that you are claiming. To find the cluster ID, use describe_clusters.


[required] The cluster certificate issued (signed) by your issuing certificate authority (CA). The certificate must be in PEM format and can contain a maximum of 5000 characters.


[required] The issuing certificate of the issuing certificate authority (CA) that issued (signed) the cluster certificate. You must use a self-signed certificate. The certificate used to sign the HSM CSR must be directly available, and thus must be the root certificate. The certificate must be in PEM format and can contain a maximum of 5000 characters.


A list with the following syntax:

  StateMessage = "string"

Request syntax

  ClusterId = "string",
  SignedCert = "string",
  TrustAnchor = "string"