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Update Response Headers Policy

cloudfront_update_response_headers_policy R Documentation

Updates a response headers policy


Updates a response headers policy.

When you update a response headers policy, the entire policy is replaced. You cannot update some policy fields independent of others. To update a response headers policy configuration:

  1. Use get_response_headers_policy_config to get the current policy's configuration.

  2. Modify the fields in the response headers policy configuration that you want to update.

  3. Call update_response_headers_policy, providing the entire response headers policy configuration, including the fields that you modified and those that you didn't.


  Id, IfMatch)



[required] A response headers policy configuration.


[required] The identifier for the response headers policy that you are updating.


The version of the response headers policy that you are updating.

The version is returned in the cache policy's ETag field in the response to get_response_headers_policy_config.


A list with the following syntax:

  ResponseHeadersPolicy = list(
    Id = "string",
    LastModifiedTime = as.POSIXct(
    ResponseHeadersPolicyConfig = list(
      Comment = "string",
      Name = "string",
      CorsConfig = list(
        AccessControlAllowOrigins = list(
          Quantity = 123,
          Items = list(
        AccessControlAllowHeaders = list(
          Quantity = 123,
          Items = list(
        AccessControlAllowMethods = list(
          Quantity = 123,
          Items = list(
        AccessControlAllowCredentials = TRUE|FALSE,
        AccessControlExposeHeaders = list(
          Quantity = 123,
          Items = list(
        AccessControlMaxAgeSec = 123,
        OriginOverride = TRUE|FALSE
      SecurityHeadersConfig = list(
        XSSProtection = list(
          Override = TRUE|FALSE,
          Protection = TRUE|FALSE,
          ModeBlock = TRUE|FALSE,
          ReportUri = "string"
        FrameOptions = list(
          Override = TRUE|FALSE,
          FrameOption = "DENY"|"SAMEORIGIN"
        ReferrerPolicy = list(
          Override = TRUE|FALSE,
          ReferrerPolicy = "no-referrer"|"no-referrer-when-downgrade"|"origin"|"origin-when-cross-origin"|"same-origin"|"strict-origin"|"strict-origin-when-cross-origin"|"unsafe-url"
        ContentSecurityPolicy = list(
          Override = TRUE|FALSE,
          ContentSecurityPolicy = "string"
        ContentTypeOptions = list(
          Override = TRUE|FALSE
        StrictTransportSecurity = list(
          Override = TRUE|FALSE,
          IncludeSubdomains = TRUE|FALSE,
          Preload = TRUE|FALSE,
          AccessControlMaxAgeSec = 123
      ServerTimingHeadersConfig = list(
        Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SamplingRate = 123.0
      CustomHeadersConfig = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
            Header = "string",
            Value = "string",
            Override = TRUE|FALSE
      RemoveHeadersConfig = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
            Header = "string"
  ETag = "string"

Request syntax

  ResponseHeadersPolicyConfig = list(
    Comment = "string",
    Name = "string",
    CorsConfig = list(
      AccessControlAllowOrigins = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
      AccessControlAllowHeaders = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
      AccessControlAllowMethods = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
      AccessControlAllowCredentials = TRUE|FALSE,
      AccessControlExposeHeaders = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
      AccessControlMaxAgeSec = 123,
      OriginOverride = TRUE|FALSE
    SecurityHeadersConfig = list(
      XSSProtection = list(
        Override = TRUE|FALSE,
        Protection = TRUE|FALSE,
        ModeBlock = TRUE|FALSE,
        ReportUri = "string"
      FrameOptions = list(
        Override = TRUE|FALSE,
        FrameOption = "DENY"|"SAMEORIGIN"
      ReferrerPolicy = list(
        Override = TRUE|FALSE,
        ReferrerPolicy = "no-referrer"|"no-referrer-when-downgrade"|"origin"|"origin-when-cross-origin"|"same-origin"|"strict-origin"|"strict-origin-when-cross-origin"|"unsafe-url"
      ContentSecurityPolicy = list(
        Override = TRUE|FALSE,
        ContentSecurityPolicy = "string"
      ContentTypeOptions = list(
        Override = TRUE|FALSE
      StrictTransportSecurity = list(
        Override = TRUE|FALSE,
        IncludeSubdomains = TRUE|FALSE,
        Preload = TRUE|FALSE,
        AccessControlMaxAgeSec = 123
    ServerTimingHeadersConfig = list(
      Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      SamplingRate = 123.0
    CustomHeadersConfig = list(
      Quantity = 123,
      Items = list(
          Header = "string",
          Value = "string",
          Override = TRUE|FALSE
    RemoveHeadersConfig = list(
      Quantity = 123,
      Items = list(
          Header = "string"
  Id = "string",
  IfMatch = "string"