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Describe Instance Refreshes

autoscaling_describe_instance_refreshes R Documentation

Gets information about the instance refreshes for the specified Auto Scaling group from the previous six weeks


Gets information about the instance refreshes for the specified Auto Scaling group from the previous six weeks.

This operation is part of the instance refresh feature in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, which helps you update instances in your Auto Scaling group after you make configuration changes.

To help you determine the status of an instance refresh, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling returns information about the instance refreshes you previously initiated, including their status, start time, end time, the percentage of the instance refresh that is complete, and the number of instances remaining to update before the instance refresh is complete. If a rollback is initiated while an instance refresh is in progress, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling also returns information about the rollback of the instance refresh.


  InstanceRefreshIds, NextToken, MaxRecords)



[required] The name of the Auto Scaling group.


One or more instance refresh IDs.


The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)


The maximum number of items to return with this call. The default value is 50 and the maximum value is 100.


A list with the following syntax:

  InstanceRefreshes = list(
      InstanceRefreshId = "string",
      AutoScalingGroupName = "string",
      Status = "Pending"|"InProgress"|"Successful"|"Failed"|"Cancelling"|"Cancelled"|"RollbackInProgress"|"RollbackFailed"|"RollbackSuccessful",
      StatusReason = "string",
      StartTime = as.POSIXct(
      EndTime = as.POSIXct(
      PercentageComplete = 123,
      InstancesToUpdate = 123,
      ProgressDetails = list(
        LivePoolProgress = list(
          PercentageComplete = 123,
          InstancesToUpdate = 123
        WarmPoolProgress = list(
          PercentageComplete = 123,
          InstancesToUpdate = 123
      Preferences = list(
        MinHealthyPercentage = 123,
        InstanceWarmup = 123,
        CheckpointPercentages = list(
        CheckpointDelay = 123,
        SkipMatching = TRUE|FALSE,
        AutoRollback = TRUE|FALSE,
        ScaleInProtectedInstances = "Refresh"|"Ignore"|"Wait",
        StandbyInstances = "Terminate"|"Ignore"|"Wait",
        AlarmSpecification = list(
          Alarms = list(
        MaxHealthyPercentage = 123
      DesiredConfiguration = list(
        LaunchTemplate = list(
          LaunchTemplateId = "string",
          LaunchTemplateName = "string",
          Version = "string"
        MixedInstancesPolicy = list(
          LaunchTemplate = list(
            LaunchTemplateSpecification = list(
              LaunchTemplateId = "string",
              LaunchTemplateName = "string",
              Version = "string"
            Overrides = list(
                InstanceType = "string",
                WeightedCapacity = "string",
                LaunchTemplateSpecification = list(
                  LaunchTemplateId = "string",
                  LaunchTemplateName = "string",
                  Version = "string"
                InstanceRequirements = list(
                  VCpuCount = list(
                    Min = 123,
                    Max = 123
                  MemoryMiB = list(
                    Min = 123,
                    Max = 123
                  CpuManufacturers = list(
                  MemoryGiBPerVCpu = list(
                    Min = 123.0,
                    Max = 123.0
                  ExcludedInstanceTypes = list(
                  InstanceGenerations = list(
                  SpotMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice = 123,
                  MaxSpotPriceAsPercentageOfOptimalOnDemandPrice = 123,
                  OnDemandMaxPricePercentageOverLowestPrice = 123,
                  BareMetal = "included"|"excluded"|"required",
                  BurstablePerformance = "included"|"excluded"|"required",
                  RequireHibernateSupport = TRUE|FALSE,
                  NetworkInterfaceCount = list(
                    Min = 123,
                    Max = 123
                  LocalStorage = "included"|"excluded"|"required",
                  LocalStorageTypes = list(
                  TotalLocalStorageGB = list(
                    Min = 123.0,
                    Max = 123.0
                  BaselineEbsBandwidthMbps = list(
                    Min = 123,
                    Max = 123
                  AcceleratorTypes = list(
                  AcceleratorCount = list(
                    Min = 123,
                    Max = 123
                  AcceleratorManufacturers = list(
                  AcceleratorNames = list(
                  AcceleratorTotalMemoryMiB = list(
                    Min = 123,
                    Max = 123
                  NetworkBandwidthGbps = list(
                    Min = 123.0,
                    Max = 123.0
                  AllowedInstanceTypes = list(
          InstancesDistribution = list(
            OnDemandAllocationStrategy = "string",
            OnDemandBaseCapacity = 123,
            OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity = 123,
            SpotAllocationStrategy = "string",
            SpotInstancePools = 123,
            SpotMaxPrice = "string"
      RollbackDetails = list(
        RollbackReason = "string",
        RollbackStartTime = as.POSIXct(
        PercentageCompleteOnRollback = 123,
        InstancesToUpdateOnRollback = 123,
        ProgressDetailsOnRollback = list(
          LivePoolProgress = list(
            PercentageComplete = 123,
            InstancesToUpdate = 123
          WarmPoolProgress = list(
            PercentageComplete = 123,
            InstancesToUpdate = 123
  NextToken = "string"

Request syntax

  AutoScalingGroupName = "string",
  InstanceRefreshIds = list(
  NextToken = "string",
  MaxRecords = 123


## Not run: 
# This example describes the instance refreshes for the specified Auto
# Scaling group.
  AutoScalingGroupName = "my-auto-scaling-group"

## End(Not run)