S3 Multipart Upload
# Upload a file to S3 using multipart upload.
s3 <- paws::s3()
file <- "<path to the file to upload>"
bucket <- "<your S3 bucket>"
key <- "<name of the file once it is uploaded into your S3 bucket>"
#' Upload a file to S3 using multipart upload
#' @param client A Paws S3 client object, e.g. from `paws::s3()`.
#' @param file The path to the file to be uploaded.
#' @param bucket The name of the S3 bucket to be uploaded to, e.g. `my-bucket`.
#' @param key The name to assign to the file in the S3 bucket, e.g. `path/to/file`.
upload <- function(client, file, bucket, key) {
multipart <- client$create_multipart_upload(
Bucket = bucket,
Key = key
resp <- NULL
if (is.null(resp) || inherits(resp, "try-error")) {
Bucket = bucket,
Key = key,
UploadId = multipart$UploadId
resp <- try({
parts <- upload_multipart_parts(client, file, bucket, key, multipart$UploadId)
Bucket = bucket,
Key = key,
MultipartUpload = list(Parts = parts),
UploadId = multipart$UploadId
upload_multipart_parts <- function(client, file, bucket, key, upload_id) {
file_size <- file.size(file)
megabyte <- 2^20
part_size <- 5 * megabyte
num_parts <- ceiling(file_size / part_size)
con <- base::file(file, open = "rb")
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = num_parts)
parts <- list()
for (i in 1:num_parts) {
part <- readBin(con, what = "raw", n = part_size)
part_resp <- client$upload_part(
Body = part,
Bucket = bucket,
Key = key,
PartNumber = i,
UploadId = upload_id
parts <- c(parts, list(list(ETag = part_resp$ETag, PartNumber = i)))
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
# Upload the file.
upload(s3, file, bucket, key)