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Update Policy

verifiedpermissions_update_policy R Documentation

Modifies a Cedar static policy in the specified policy store


Modifies a Cedar static policy in the specified policy store. You can change only certain elements of the UpdatePolicyDefinition parameter. You can directly update only static policies. To change a template-linked policy, you must update the template instead, using update_policy_template.

  • If policy validation is enabled in the policy store, then updating a static policy causes Verified Permissions to validate the policy against the schema in the policy store. If the updated static policy doesn't pass validation, the operation fails and the update isn't stored.

  • When you edit a static policy, you can change only certain elements of a static policy:

    • The action referenced by the policy.

    • A condition clause, such as when and unless.

    You can't change these elements of a static policy:

    • Changing a policy from a static policy to a template-linked policy.

    • Changing the effect of a static policy from permit or forbid.

    • The principal referenced by a static policy.

    • The resource referenced by a static policy.

  • To update a template-linked policy, you must update the template instead.

Verified Permissions is eventually consistent . It can take a few seconds for a new or changed element to propagate through the service and be visible in the results of other Verified Permissions operations.


verifiedpermissions_update_policy(policyStoreId, policyId, definition)



[required] Specifies the ID of the policy store that contains the policy that you want to update.


[required] Specifies the ID of the policy that you want to update. To find this value, you can use list_policies.


[required] Specifies the updated policy content that you want to replace on the specified policy. The content must be valid Cedar policy language text.

You can change only the following elements from the policy definition:

  • The action referenced by the policy.

  • Any conditional clauses, such as when or unless clauses.

You can't change the following elements:

  • Changing from static to templateLinked.

  • Changing the effect of the policy from permit or forbid.

  • The principal referenced by the policy.

  • The resource referenced by the policy.


A list with the following syntax:

  policyStoreId = "string",
  policyId = "string",
  policyType = "STATIC"|"TEMPLATE_LINKED",
  principal = list(
    entityType = "string",
    entityId = "string"
  resource = list(
    entityType = "string",
    entityId = "string"
  actions = list(
      actionType = "string",
      actionId = "string"
  createdDate = as.POSIXct(
  lastUpdatedDate = as.POSIXct(
  effect = "Permit"|"Forbid"

Request syntax

  policyStoreId = "string",
  policyId = "string",
  definition = list(
    static = list(
      description = "string",
      statement = "string"