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Update Identity Source

verifiedpermissions_update_identity_source R Documentation

Updates the specified identity source to use a new identity provider (IdP), or to change the mapping of identities from the IdP to a different principal entity type


Updates the specified identity source to use a new identity provider (IdP), or to change the mapping of identities from the IdP to a different principal entity type.

Verified Permissions is eventually consistent . It can take a few seconds for a new or changed element to propagate through the service and be visible in the results of other Verified Permissions operations.


  identitySourceId, updateConfiguration, principalEntityType)



[required] Specifies the ID of the policy store that contains the identity source that you want to update.


[required] Specifies the ID of the identity source that you want to update.


[required] Specifies the details required to communicate with the identity provider (IdP) associated with this identity source.

At this time, the only valid member of this structure is a Amazon Cognito user pool configuration.

You must specify a userPoolArn, and optionally, a ClientId.


Specifies the data type of principals generated for identities authenticated by the identity source.


A list with the following syntax:

  createdDate = as.POSIXct(
  identitySourceId = "string",
  lastUpdatedDate = as.POSIXct(
  policyStoreId = "string"

Request syntax

  policyStoreId = "string",
  identitySourceId = "string",
  updateConfiguration = list(
    cognitoUserPoolConfiguration = list(
      userPoolArn = "string",
      clientIds = list(
      groupConfiguration = list(
        groupEntityType = "string"
    openIdConnectConfiguration = list(
      issuer = "string",
      entityIdPrefix = "string",
      groupConfiguration = list(
        groupClaim = "string",
        groupEntityType = "string"
      tokenSelection = list(
        accessTokenOnly = list(
          principalIdClaim = "string",
          audiences = list(
        identityTokenOnly = list(
          principalIdClaim = "string",
          clientIds = list(
  principalEntityType = "string"