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List Medical Vocabularies

transcribeservice_list_medical_vocabularies R Documentation

Provides a list of custom medical vocabularies that match the specified criteria


Provides a list of custom medical vocabularies that match the specified criteria. If no criteria are specified, all custom medical vocabularies are returned.

To get detailed information about a specific custom medical vocabulary, use the operation.


transcribeservice_list_medical_vocabularies(NextToken, MaxResults,
  StateEquals, NameContains)



If your list_medical_vocabularies request returns more results than can be displayed, NextToken is displayed in the response with an associated string. To get the next page of results, copy this string and repeat your request, including NextToken with the value of the copied string. Repeat as needed to view all your results.


The maximum number of custom medical vocabularies to return in each page of results. If there are fewer results than the value that you specify, only the actual results are returned. If you do not specify a value, a default of 5 is used.


Returns only custom medical vocabularies with the specified state. Custom vocabularies are ordered by creation date, with the newest vocabulary first. If you do not include StateEquals, all custom medical vocabularies are returned.


Returns only the custom medical vocabularies that contain the specified string. The search is not case sensitive.


A list with the following syntax:

  Status = "PENDING"|"READY"|"FAILED",
  NextToken = "string",
  Vocabularies = list(
      VocabularyName = "string",
      LanguageCode = "af-ZA"|"ar-AE"|"ar-SA"|"da-DK"|"de-CH"|"de-DE"|"en-AB"|"en-AU"|"en-GB"|"en-IE"|"en-IN"|"en-US"|"en-WL"|"es-ES"|"es-US"|"fa-IR"|"fr-CA"|"fr-FR"|"he-IL"|"hi-IN"|"id-ID"|"it-IT"|"ja-JP"|"ko-KR"|"ms-MY"|"nl-NL"|"pt-BR"|"pt-PT"|"ru-RU"|"ta-IN"|"te-IN"|"tr-TR"|"zh-CN"|"zh-TW"|"th-TH"|"en-ZA"|"en-NZ"|"vi-VN"|"sv-SE"|"ab-GE"|"ast-ES"|"az-AZ"|"ba-RU"|"be-BY"|"bg-BG"|"bn-IN"|"bs-BA"|"ca-ES"|"ckb-IQ"|"ckb-IR"|"cs-CZ"|"cy-WL"|"el-GR"|"et-ET"|"eu-ES"|"fi-FI"|"gl-ES"|"gu-IN"|"ha-NG"|"hr-HR"|"hu-HU"|"hy-AM"|"is-IS"|"ka-GE"|"kab-DZ"|"kk-KZ"|"kn-IN"|"ky-KG"|"lg-IN"|"lt-LT"|"lv-LV"|"mhr-RU"|"mi-NZ"|"mk-MK"|"ml-IN"|"mn-MN"|"mr-IN"|"mt-MT"|"no-NO"|"or-IN"|"pa-IN"|"pl-PL"|"ps-AF"|"ro-RO"|"rw-RW"|"si-LK"|"sk-SK"|"sl-SI"|"so-SO"|"sr-RS"|"su-ID"|"sw-BI"|"sw-KE"|"sw-RW"|"sw-TZ"|"sw-UG"|"tl-PH"|"tt-RU"|"ug-CN"|"uk-UA"|"uz-UZ"|"wo-SN"|"zu-ZA",
      LastModifiedTime = as.POSIXct(
      VocabularyState = "PENDING"|"READY"|"FAILED"

Request syntax

  NextToken = "string",
  MaxResults = 123,
  StateEquals = "PENDING"|"READY"|"FAILED",
  NameContains = "string"