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Get Document Text Detection

textract_get_document_text_detection R Documentation

Gets the results for an Amazon Textract asynchronous operation that detects text in a document


Gets the results for an Amazon Textract asynchronous operation that detects text in a document. Amazon Textract can detect lines of text and the words that make up a line of text.

You start asynchronous text detection by calling start_document_text_detection, which returns a job identifier (JobId). When the text detection operation finishes, Amazon Textract publishes a completion status to the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that's registered in the initial call to start_document_text_detection. To get the results of the text-detection operation, first check that the status value published to the Amazon SNS topic is SUCCEEDED. If so, call get_document_text_detection, and pass the job identifier (JobId) from the initial call to start_document_text_detection.

get_document_text_detection returns an array of Block objects.

Each document page has as an associated Block of type PAGE. Each PAGE Block object is the parent of LINE Block objects that represent the lines of detected text on a page. A LINE Block object is a parent for each word that makes up the line. Words are represented by Block objects of type WORD.

Use the MaxResults parameter to limit the number of blocks that are returned. If there are more results than specified in MaxResults, the value of NextToken in the operation response contains a pagination token for getting the next set of results. To get the next page of results, call get_document_text_detection, and populate the NextToken request parameter with the token value that's returned from the previous call to get_document_text_detection.

For more information, see Document Text Detection.


textract_get_document_text_detection(JobId, MaxResults, NextToken)



[required] A unique identifier for the text detection job. The JobId is returned from start_document_text_detection. A JobId value is only valid for 7 days.


The maximum number of results to return per paginated call. The largest value you can specify is 1,000. If you specify a value greater than 1,000, a maximum of 1,000 results is returned. The default value is 1,000.


If the previous response was incomplete (because there are more blocks to retrieve), Amazon Textract returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of blocks.


A list with the following syntax:

  DocumentMetadata = list(
    Pages = 123
  NextToken = "string",
  Blocks = list(
      Confidence = 123.0,
      Text = "string",
      TextType = "HANDWRITING"|"PRINTED",
      RowIndex = 123,
      ColumnIndex = 123,
      RowSpan = 123,
      ColumnSpan = 123,
      Geometry = list(
        BoundingBox = list(
          Width = 123.0,
          Height = 123.0,
          Left = 123.0,
          Top = 123.0
        Polygon = list(
            X = 123.0,
            Y = 123.0
      Id = "string",
      Relationships = list(
          Ids = list(
      EntityTypes = list(
      SelectionStatus = "SELECTED"|"NOT_SELECTED",
      Page = 123,
      Query = list(
        Text = "string",
        Alias = "string",
        Pages = list(
  Warnings = list(
      ErrorCode = "string",
      Pages = list(
  StatusMessage = "string",
  DetectDocumentTextModelVersion = "string"

Request syntax

  JobId = "string",
  MaxResults = 123,
  NextToken = "string"