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Create Sol Function Package

telconetworkbuilder_create_sol_function_package R Documentation

Creates a function package


Creates a function package.

A function package is a .zip file in CSAR (Cloud Service Archive) format that contains a network function (an ETSI standard telecommunication application) and function package descriptor that uses the TOSCA standard to describe how the network functions should run on your network. For more information, see Function packages in the Amazon Web Services Telco Network Builder User Guide.

Creating a function package is the first step for creating a network in AWS TNB. This request creates an empty container with an ID. The next step is to upload the actual CSAR zip file into that empty container. To upload function package content, see put_sol_function_package_content.





A tag is a label that you assign to an Amazon Web Services resource. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You can use tags to search and filter your resources or track your Amazon Web Services costs.


A list with the following syntax:

  arn = "string",
  id = "string",
  onboardingState = "CREATED"|"ONBOARDED"|"ERROR",
  operationalState = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED",
  tags = list(
  usageState = "IN_USE"|"NOT_IN_USE"

Request syntax

  tags = list(