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Update Maintenance Start Time

storagegateway_update_maintenance_start_time R Documentation

Updates a gateway's maintenance window schedule, with settings for monthly or weekly cadence, specific day and time to begin maintenance, and which types of updates to apply


Updates a gateway's maintenance window schedule, with settings for monthly or weekly cadence, specific day and time to begin maintenance, and which types of updates to apply. Time configuration uses the gateway's time zone. You can pass values for a complete maintenance schedule, or update policy, or both. Previous values will persist for whichever setting you choose not to modify. If an incomplete or invalid maintenance schedule is passed, the entire request will be rejected with an error and no changes will occur.

A complete maintenance schedule must include values for both MinuteOfHour and HourOfDay, and either DayOfMonth or DayOfWeek.

We recommend keeping maintenance updates turned on, except in specific use cases where the brief disruptions caused by updating the gateway could critically impact your deployment.


storagegateway_update_maintenance_start_time(GatewayARN, HourOfDay,
  MinuteOfHour, DayOfWeek, DayOfMonth, SoftwareUpdatePreferences)





The hour component of the maintenance start time represented as hh, where hh is the hour (00 to 23). The hour of the day is in the time zone of the gateway.


The minute component of the maintenance start time represented as mm, where mm is the minute (00 to 59). The minute of the hour is in the time zone of the gateway.


The day of the week component of the maintenance start time week represented as an ordinal number from 0 to 6, where 0 represents Sunday and 6 represents Saturday.


The day of the month component of the maintenance start time represented as an ordinal number from 1 to 28, where 1 represents the first day of the month. It is not possible to set the maintenance schedule to start on days 29 through 31.


A set of variables indicating the software update preferences for the gateway.

Includes AutomaticUpdatePolicy field with the following inputs:

ALL_VERSIONS - Enables regular gateway maintenance updates.

EMERGENCY_VERSIONS_ONLY - Disables regular gateway maintenance updates.


A list with the following syntax:

  GatewayARN = "string"

Request syntax

  GatewayARN = "string",
  HourOfDay = 123,
  MinuteOfHour = 123,
  DayOfWeek = 123,
  DayOfMonth = 123,
  SoftwareUpdatePreferences = list(


## Not run: 
# Updates a gateway's weekly maintenance start time information, including
# day and time of the week. The maintenance time is in your gateway's time
# zone.
  DayOfWeek = 2L,
  GatewayARN = "arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-1:111122223333:gateway/sgw-12A3456B",
  HourOfDay = 0L,
  MinuteOfHour = 30L

## End(Not run)