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Describe Parameters

ssm_describe_parameters R Documentation

Lists the parameters in your Amazon Web Services account or the parameters shared with you when you enable the Shared option


Lists the parameters in your Amazon Web Services account or the parameters shared with you when you enable the Shared option.

Request results are returned on a best-effort basis. If you specify MaxResults in the request, the response includes information up to the limit specified. The number of items returned, however, can be between zero and the value of MaxResults. If the service reaches an internal limit while processing the results, it stops the operation and returns the matching values up to that point and a NextToken. You can specify the NextToken in a subsequent call to get the next set of results.

If you change the KMS key alias for the KMS key used to encrypt a parameter, then you must also update the key alias the parameter uses to reference KMS. Otherwise, describe_parameters retrieves whatever the original key alias was referencing.


ssm_describe_parameters(Filters, ParameterFilters, MaxResults,
  NextToken, Shared)



This data type is deprecated. Instead, use ParameterFilters.


Filters to limit the request results.


The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of results.


The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)


Lists parameters that are shared with you.

By default when using this option, the command returns parameters that have been shared using a standard Resource Access Manager Resource Share. In order for a parameter that was shared using the put_resource_policy command to be returned, the associated ⁠RAM Resource Share Created From Policy⁠ must have been promoted to a standard Resource Share using the RAM PromoteResourceShareCreatedFromPolicy API operation.

For more information about sharing parameters, see Working with shared parameters in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager User Guide.


A list with the following syntax:

  Parameters = list(
      Name = "string",
      ARN = "string",
      Type = "String"|"StringList"|"SecureString",
      KeyId = "string",
      LastModifiedDate = as.POSIXct(
      LastModifiedUser = "string",
      Description = "string",
      AllowedPattern = "string",
      Version = 123,
      Tier = "Standard"|"Advanced"|"Intelligent-Tiering",
      Policies = list(
          PolicyText = "string",
          PolicyType = "string",
          PolicyStatus = "string"
      DataType = "string"
  NextToken = "string"

Request syntax

  Filters = list(
      Key = "Name"|"Type"|"KeyId",
      Values = list(
  ParameterFilters = list(
      Key = "string",
      Option = "string",
      Values = list(
  MaxResults = 123,
  NextToken = "string",
  Shared = TRUE|FALSE