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Delete Resource Policy

ssm_delete_resource_policy R Documentation

Deletes a Systems Manager resource policy


Deletes a Systems Manager resource policy. A resource policy helps you to define the IAM entity (for example, an Amazon Web Services account) that can manage your Systems Manager resources. The following resources support Systems Manager resource policies.

  • OpsItemGroup - The resource policy for OpsItemGroup enables Amazon Web Services accounts to view and interact with OpsCenter operational work items (OpsItems).

  • Parameter - The resource policy is used to share a parameter with other accounts using Resource Access Manager (RAM). For more information about cross-account sharing of parameters, see Working with shared parameters in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager User Guide.


ssm_delete_resource_policy(ResourceArn, PolicyId, PolicyHash)



[required] Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to which the policies are attached.


[required] The policy ID.


[required] ID of the current policy version. The hash helps to prevent multiple calls from attempting to overwrite a policy.


An empty list.

Request syntax

  ResourceArn = "string",
  PolicyId = "string",
  PolicyHash = "string"