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Update Application Layer Automatic Response

shield_update_application_layer_automatic_response R Documentation

Updates an existing Shield Advanced automatic application layer DDoS mitigation configuration for the specified resource


Updates an existing Shield Advanced automatic application layer DDoS mitigation configuration for the specified resource.


shield_update_application_layer_automatic_response(ResourceArn, Action)



[required] The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the resource.


[required] Specifies the action setting that Shield Advanced should use in the WAF rules that it creates on behalf of the protected resource in response to DDoS attacks. You specify this as part of the configuration for the automatic application layer DDoS mitigation feature, when you enable or update automatic mitigation. Shield Advanced creates the WAF rules in a Shield Advanced-managed rule group, inside the web ACL that you have associated with the resource.


An empty list.

Request syntax

  ResourceArn = "string",
  Action = list(
    Block = list(),
    Count = list()