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Publish State Machine Version

sfn_publish_state_machine_version R Documentation

Creates a version from the current revision of a state machine


Creates a version from the current revision of a state machine. Use versions to create immutable snapshots of your state machine. You can start executions from versions either directly or with an alias. To create an alias, use create_state_machine_alias.

You can publish up to 1000 versions for each state machine. You must manually delete unused versions using the delete_state_machine_version API action.

publish_state_machine_version is an idempotent API. It doesn't create a duplicate state machine version if it already exists for the current revision. Step Functions bases publish_state_machine_version's idempotency check on the stateMachineArn, name, and revisionId parameters. Requests with the same parameters return a successful idempotent response. If you don't specify a revisionId, Step Functions checks for a previously published version of the state machine's current revision.

Related operations:

  • delete_state_machine_version

  • list_state_machine_versions


sfn_publish_state_machine_version(stateMachineArn, revisionId,



[required] The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the state machine.


Only publish the state machine version if the current state machine's revision ID matches the specified ID.

Use this option to avoid publishing a version if the state machine changed since you last updated it. If the specified revision ID doesn't match the state machine's current revision ID, the API returns ConflictException.

To specify an initial revision ID for a state machine with no revision ID assigned, specify the string INITIAL for the revisionId parameter. For example, you can specify a revisionID of INITIAL when you create a state machine using the create_state_machine API action.


An optional description of the state machine version.


A list with the following syntax:

  creationDate = as.POSIXct(
  stateMachineVersionArn = "string"

Request syntax

  stateMachineArn = "string",
  revisionId = "string",
  description = "string"