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Describe State Machine

sfn_describe_state_machine R Documentation

Provides information about a state machine's definition, its IAM role Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and configuration


Provides information about a state machine's definition, its IAM role Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and configuration.

A qualified state machine ARN can either refer to a Distributed Map state defined within a state machine, a version ARN, or an alias ARN.

The following are some examples of qualified and unqualified state machine ARNs:

  • The following qualified state machine ARN refers to a Distributed Map state with a label mapStateLabel in a state machine named myStateMachine.


    If you provide a qualified state machine ARN that refers to a Distributed Map state, the request fails with ValidationException.

  • The following qualified state machine ARN refers to an alias named PROD.


    If you provide a qualified state machine ARN that refers to a version ARN or an alias ARN, the request starts execution for that version or alias.

  • The following unqualified state machine ARN refers to a state machine named myStateMachine.


This API action returns the details for a state machine version if the stateMachineArn you specify is a state machine version ARN.

This operation is eventually consistent. The results are best effort and may not reflect very recent updates and changes.


sfn_describe_state_machine(stateMachineArn, includedData)



[required] The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the state machine for which you want the information.

If you specify a state machine version ARN, this API returns details about that version. The version ARN is a combination of state machine ARN and the version number separated by a colon (:). For example, stateMachineARN:1.


If your state machine definition is encrypted with a KMS key, callers must have kms:Decrypt permission to decrypt the definition. Alternatively, you can call the API with includedData = METADATA_ONLY to get a successful response without the encrypted definition.

When calling a labelled ARN for an encrypted state machine, the includedData = METADATA_ONLY parameter will not apply because Step Functions needs to decrypt the entire state machine definition to get the Distributed Map state’s definition. In this case, the API caller needs to have kms:Decrypt permission.


A list with the following syntax:

  stateMachineArn = "string",
  name = "string",
  status = "ACTIVE"|"DELETING",
  definition = "string",
  roleArn = "string",
  type = "STANDARD"|"EXPRESS",
  creationDate = as.POSIXct(
  loggingConfiguration = list(
    level = "ALL"|"ERROR"|"FATAL"|"OFF",
    includeExecutionData = TRUE|FALSE,
    destinations = list(
        cloudWatchLogsLogGroup = list(
          logGroupArn = "string"
  tracingConfiguration = list(
    enabled = TRUE|FALSE
  label = "string",
  revisionId = "string",
  description = "string",
  encryptionConfiguration = list(
    kmsKeyId = "string",
    kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds = 123,
  variableReferences = list(

Request syntax

  stateMachineArn = "string",
  includedData = "ALL_DATA"|"METADATA_ONLY"