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Create Data Lake

securitylake_create_data_lake R Documentation

Initializes an Amazon Security Lake instance with the provided (or default) configuration


Initializes an Amazon Security Lake instance with the provided (or default) configuration. You can enable Security Lake in Amazon Web Services Regions with customized settings before enabling log collection in Regions. To specify particular Regions, configure these Regions using the configurations parameter. If you have already enabled Security Lake in a Region when you call this command, the command will update the Region if you provide new configuration parameters. If you have not already enabled Security Lake in the Region when you call this API, it will set up the data lake in the Region with the specified configurations.

When you enable Security Lake, it starts ingesting security data after the create_aws_log_source call and after you create subscribers using the create_subscriber API. This includes ingesting security data from sources, storing data, and making data accessible to subscribers. Security Lake also enables all the existing settings and resources that it stores or maintains for your Amazon Web Services account in the current Region, including security log and event data. For more information, see the Amazon Security Lake User Guide.


securitylake_create_data_lake(configurations, metaStoreManagerRoleArn,



[required] Specify the Region or Regions that will contribute data to the rollup region.


[required] The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) used to create and update the Glue table. This table contains partitions generated by the ingestion and normalization of Amazon Web Services log sources and custom sources.


An array of objects, one for each tag to associate with the data lake configuration. For each tag, you must specify both a tag key and a tag value. A tag value cannot be null, but it can be an empty string.


A list with the following syntax:

  dataLakes = list(
      dataLakeArn = "string",
      encryptionConfiguration = list(
        kmsKeyId = "string"
      lifecycleConfiguration = list(
        expiration = list(
          days = 123
        transitions = list(
            days = 123,
            storageClass = "string"
      region = "string",
      replicationConfiguration = list(
        regions = list(
        roleArn = "string"
      s3BucketArn = "string",
      updateStatus = list(
        exception = list(
          code = "string",
          reason = "string"
        requestId = "string",

Request syntax

  configurations = list(
      encryptionConfiguration = list(
        kmsKeyId = "string"
      lifecycleConfiguration = list(
        expiration = list(
          days = 123
        transitions = list(
            days = 123,
            storageClass = "string"
      region = "string",
      replicationConfiguration = list(
        regions = list(
        roleArn = "string"
  metaStoreManagerRoleArn = "string",
  tags = list(
      key = "string",
      value = "string"