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Invite Members

securityhub_invite_members R Documentation

We recommend using Organizations instead of Security Hub invitations to manage your member accounts


We recommend using Organizations instead of Security Hub invitations to manage your member accounts. For information, see Managing Security Hub administrator and member accounts with Organizations in the Security Hub User Guide.

Invites other Amazon Web Services accounts to become member accounts for the Security Hub administrator account that the invitation is sent from.

This operation is only used to invite accounts that don't belong to an Amazon Web Services organization. Organization accounts don't receive invitations.

Before you can use this action to invite a member, you must first use the create_members action to create the member account in Security Hub.

When the account owner enables Security Hub and accepts the invitation to become a member account, the administrator account can view the findings generated in the member account.





[required] The list of account IDs of the Amazon Web Services accounts to invite to Security Hub as members.


A list with the following syntax:

  UnprocessedAccounts = list(
      AccountId = "string",
      ProcessingResult = "string"

Request syntax

  AccountIds = list(