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Update Feature Group

sagemaker_update_feature_group R Documentation

Updates the feature group by either adding features or updating the online store configuration


Updates the feature group by either adding features or updating the online store configuration. Use one of the following request parameters at a time while using the update_feature_group API.

You can add features for your feature group using the FeatureAdditions request parameter. Features cannot be removed from a feature group.

You can update the online store configuration by using the OnlineStoreConfig request parameter. If a TtlDuration is specified, the default TtlDuration applies for all records added to the feature group after the feature group is updated. If a record level TtlDuration exists from using the PutRecord API, the record level TtlDuration applies to that record instead of the default TtlDuration. To remove the default TtlDuration from an existing feature group, use the update_feature_group API and set the TtlDuration Unit and Value to null.


sagemaker_update_feature_group(FeatureGroupName, FeatureAdditions,
  OnlineStoreConfig, ThroughputConfig)



[required] The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the feature group that you're updating.


Updates the feature group. Updating a feature group is an asynchronous operation. When you get an HTTP 200 response, you've made a valid request. It takes some time after you've made a valid request for Feature Store to update the feature group.


Updates the feature group online store configuration.



A list with the following syntax:

  FeatureGroupArn = "string"

Request syntax

  FeatureGroupName = "string",
  FeatureAdditions = list(
      FeatureName = "string",
      FeatureType = "Integral"|"Fractional"|"String",
      CollectionType = "List"|"Set"|"Vector",
      CollectionConfig = list(
        VectorConfig = list(
          Dimension = 123
  OnlineStoreConfig = list(
    TtlDuration = list(
      Unit = "Seconds"|"Minutes"|"Hours"|"Days"|"Weeks",
      Value = 123
  ThroughputConfig = list(
    ThroughputMode = "OnDemand"|"Provisioned",
    ProvisionedReadCapacityUnits = 123,
    ProvisionedWriteCapacityUnits = 123