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Delete Tags

sagemaker_delete_tags R Documentation

Deletes the specified tags from an SageMaker resource


Deletes the specified tags from an SageMaker resource.

To list a resource's tags, use the list_tags API.

When you call this API to delete tags from a hyperparameter tuning job, the deleted tags are not removed from training jobs that the hyperparameter tuning job launched before you called this API.

When you call this API to delete tags from a SageMaker Domain or User Profile, the deleted tags are not removed from Apps that the SageMaker Domain or User Profile launched before you called this API.


sagemaker_delete_tags(ResourceArn, TagKeys)



[required] The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource whose tags you want to delete.


[required] An array or one or more tag keys to delete.


An empty list.

Request syntax

  ResourceArn = "string",
  TagKeys = list(