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Put Bucket Replication

s3control_put_bucket_replication R Documentation

This action creates an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's replication configuration


This action creates an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's replication configuration. To create an S3 bucket's replication configuration, see put_bucket_replication in the Amazon S3 API Reference.

Creates a replication configuration or replaces an existing one. For information about S3 replication on Outposts configuration, see Replicating objects for S3 on Outposts in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

It can take a while to propagate PUT or DELETE requests for a replication configuration to all S3 on Outposts systems. Therefore, the replication configuration that's returned by a GET request soon after a PUT or DELETE request might return a more recent result than what's on the Outpost. If an Outpost is offline, the delay in updating the replication configuration on that Outpost can be significant.

Specify the replication configuration in the request body. In the replication configuration, you provide the following information:

  • The name of the destination bucket or buckets where you want S3 on Outposts to replicate objects

  • The Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that S3 on Outposts can assume to replicate objects on your behalf

  • Other relevant information, such as replication rules

A replication configuration must include at least one rule and can contain a maximum of 100. Each rule identifies a subset of objects to replicate by filtering the objects in the source Outposts bucket. To choose additional subsets of objects to replicate, add a rule for each subset.

To specify a subset of the objects in the source Outposts bucket to apply a replication rule to, add the Filter element as a child of the Rule element. You can filter objects based on an object key prefix, one or more object tags, or both. When you add the Filter element in the configuration, you must also add the following elements: DeleteMarkerReplication, Status, and Priority.

Using put_bucket_replication on Outposts requires that both the source and destination buckets must have versioning enabled. For information about enabling versioning on a bucket, see Managing S3 Versioning for your S3 on Outposts bucket.

For information about S3 on Outposts replication failure reasons, see Replication failure reasons in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

Handling Replication of Encrypted Objects

Outposts buckets are encrypted at all times. All the objects in the source Outposts bucket are encrypted and can be replicated. Also, all the replicas in the destination Outposts bucket are encrypted with the same encryption key as the objects in the source Outposts bucket.


To create a put_bucket_replication request, you must have s3-outposts:PutReplicationConfiguration permissions for the bucket. The Outposts bucket owner has this permission by default and can grant it to others. For more information about permissions, see Setting up IAM with S3 on Outposts and Managing access to S3 on Outposts buckets.

To perform this operation, the user or role must also have the iam:CreateRole and iam:PassRole permissions. For more information, see Granting a user permissions to pass a role to an Amazon Web Services service.

All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional parameter of x-amz-outpost-id to be passed with the request. In addition, you must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of s3-control. For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the x-amz-outpost-id derived by using the access point ARN, see the Examples section.

The following operations are related to put_bucket_replication:

  • get_bucket_replication

  • delete_bucket_replication


s3control_put_bucket_replication(AccountId, Bucket,



[required] The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outposts bucket.


[required] Specifies the S3 on Outposts bucket to set the configuration for.

For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.

For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format ⁠arn:aws:s3-outposts:<Region>:<account-id>:outpost/<outpost-id>/bucket/<my-bucket-name>⁠. For example, to access the bucket reports through Outpost my-outpost owned by account 123456789012 in Region us-west-2, use the URL encoding of arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports. The value must be URL encoded.




An empty list.

Request syntax

  AccountId = "string",
  Bucket = "string",
  ReplicationConfiguration = list(
    Role = "string",
    Rules = list(
        ID = "string",
        Priority = 123,
        Prefix = "string",
        Filter = list(
          Prefix = "string",
          Tag = list(
            Key = "string",
            Value = "string"
          And = list(
            Prefix = "string",
            Tags = list(
                Key = "string",
                Value = "string"
        Status = "Enabled"|"Disabled",
        SourceSelectionCriteria = list(
          SseKmsEncryptedObjects = list(
            Status = "Enabled"|"Disabled"
          ReplicaModifications = list(
            Status = "Enabled"|"Disabled"
        ExistingObjectReplication = list(
          Status = "Enabled"|"Disabled"
        Destination = list(
          Account = "string",
          Bucket = "string",
          ReplicationTime = list(
            Status = "Enabled"|"Disabled",
            Time = list(
              Minutes = 123
          AccessControlTranslation = list(
            Owner = "Destination"
          EncryptionConfiguration = list(
            ReplicaKmsKeyID = "string"
          Metrics = list(
            Status = "Enabled"|"Disabled",
            EventThreshold = list(
              Minutes = 123
        DeleteMarkerReplication = list(
          Status = "Enabled"|"Disabled"
        Bucket = "string"