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Delete Firewall Rule

route53resolver_delete_firewall_rule R Documentation

Deletes the specified firewall rule


Deletes the specified firewall rule.


  FirewallDomainListId, FirewallThreatProtectionId, Qtype)



[required] The unique identifier of the firewall rule group that you want to delete the rule from.


The ID of the domain list that's used in the rule.


The ID that is created for a DNS Firewall Advanced rule.


The DNS query type that the rule you are deleting evaluates. Allowed values are;

  • A: Returns an IPv4 address.

  • AAAA: Returns an Ipv6 address.

  • CAA: Restricts CAs that can create SSL/TLS certifications for the domain.

  • CNAME: Returns another domain name.

  • DS: Record that identifies the DNSSEC signing key of a delegated zone.

  • MX: Specifies mail servers.

  • NAPTR: Regular-expression-based rewriting of domain names.

  • NS: Authoritative name servers.

  • PTR: Maps an IP address to a domain name.

  • SOA: Start of authority record for the zone.

  • SPF: Lists the servers authorized to send emails from a domain.

  • SRV: Application specific values that identify servers.

  • TXT: Verifies email senders and application-specific values.

  • A query type you define by using the DNS type ID, for example 28 for AAAA. The values must be defined as TYPENUMBER, where the NUMBER can be 1-65334, for example, TYPE28. For more information, see List of DNS record types.


A list with the following syntax:

  FirewallRule = list(
    FirewallRuleGroupId = "string",
    FirewallDomainListId = "string",
    FirewallThreatProtectionId = "string",
    Name = "string",
    Priority = 123,
    Action = "ALLOW"|"BLOCK"|"ALERT",
    BlockResponse = "NODATA"|"NXDOMAIN"|"OVERRIDE",
    BlockOverrideDomain = "string",
    BlockOverrideDnsType = "CNAME",
    BlockOverrideTtl = 123,
    CreatorRequestId = "string",
    CreationTime = "string",
    ModificationTime = "string",
    Qtype = "string",
    DnsThreatProtection = "DGA"|"DNS_TUNNELING",
    ConfidenceThreshold = "LOW"|"MEDIUM"|"HIGH"

Request syntax

  FirewallRuleGroupId = "string",
  FirewallDomainListId = "string",
  FirewallThreatProtectionId = "string",
  Qtype = "string"