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Transfer Domain To Another Aws Account

route53domains_transfer_domain_to_another_aws_account R Documentation

Transfers a domain from the current Amazon Web Services account to another Amazon Web Services account


Transfers a domain from the current Amazon Web Services account to another Amazon Web Services account. Note the following:

  • The Amazon Web Services account that you're transferring the domain to must accept the transfer. If the other account doesn't accept the transfer within 3 days, we cancel the transfer. See accept_domain_transfer_from_another_aws_account.

  • You can cancel the transfer before the other account accepts it. See cancel_domain_transfer_to_another_aws_account.

  • The other account can reject the transfer. See reject_domain_transfer_from_another_aws_account.

When you transfer a domain from one Amazon Web Services account to another, Route 53 doesn't transfer the hosted zone that is associated with the domain. DNS resolution isn't affected if the domain and the hosted zone are owned by separate accounts, so transferring the hosted zone is optional. For information about transferring the hosted zone to another Amazon Web Services account, see Migrating a Hosted Zone to a Different Amazon Web Services Account in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

Use either list_operations or get_operation_detail to determine whether the operation succeeded. get_operation_detail provides additional information, for example, ⁠Domain Transfer from Aws Account 111122223333 has been cancelled⁠.





[required] The name of the domain that you want to transfer from the current Amazon Web Services account to another account.


[required] The account ID of the Amazon Web Services account that you want to transfer the domain to, for example, 111122223333.


A list with the following syntax:

  OperationId = "string",
  Password = "string"

Request syntax

  DomainName = "string",
  AccountId = "string"