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Create Traffic Policy Instance

route53_create_traffic_policy_instance R Documentation

Creates resource record sets in a specified hosted zone based on the settings in a specified traffic policy version


Creates resource record sets in a specified hosted zone based on the settings in a specified traffic policy version. In addition, create_traffic_policy_instance associates the resource record sets with a specified domain name (such as or subdomain name (such as Amazon Route 53 responds to DNS queries for the domain or subdomain name by using the resource record sets that create_traffic_policy_instance created.

After you submit an create_traffic_policy_instance request, there's a brief delay while Amazon Route 53 creates the resource record sets that are specified in the traffic policy definition. Use get_traffic_policy_instance with the id of new traffic policy instance to confirm that the create_traffic_policy_instance request completed successfully. For more information, see the State response element.


route53_create_traffic_policy_instance(HostedZoneId, Name, TTL,
  TrafficPolicyId, TrafficPolicyVersion)



[required] The ID of the hosted zone that you want Amazon Route 53 to create resource record sets in by using the configuration in a traffic policy.


[required] The domain name (such as or subdomain name (such as for which Amazon Route 53 responds to DNS queries by using the resource record sets that Route 53 creates for this traffic policy instance.


[required] (Optional) The TTL that you want Amazon Route 53 to assign to all of the resource record sets that it creates in the specified hosted zone.


[required] The ID of the traffic policy that you want to use to create resource record sets in the specified hosted zone.


[required] The version of the traffic policy that you want to use to create resource record sets in the specified hosted zone.


A list with the following syntax:

  TrafficPolicyInstance = list(
    Id = "string",
    HostedZoneId = "string",
    Name = "string",
    TTL = 123,
    State = "string",
    Message = "string",
    TrafficPolicyId = "string",
    TrafficPolicyVersion = 123,
    TrafficPolicyType = "SOA"|"A"|"TXT"|"NS"|"CNAME"|"MX"|"NAPTR"|"PTR"|"SRV"|"SPF"|"AAAA"|"CAA"|"DS"|"TLSA"|"SSHFP"|"SVCB"|"HTTPS"
  Location = "string"

Request syntax

  HostedZoneId = "string",
  Name = "string",
  TTL = 123,
  TrafficPolicyId = "string",
  TrafficPolicyVersion = 123