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Get Content Moderation

rekognition_get_content_moderation R Documentation

Gets the inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content analysis results for a Amazon Rekognition Video analysis started by StartContentModeration


Gets the inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content analysis results for a Amazon Rekognition Video analysis started by start_content_moderation. For a list of moderation labels in Amazon Rekognition, see Using the image and video moderation APIs.

Amazon Rekognition Video inappropriate or offensive content detection in a stored video is an asynchronous operation. You start analysis by calling start_content_moderation which returns a job identifier (JobId). When analysis finishes, Amazon Rekognition Video publishes a completion status to the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic registered in the initial call to start_content_moderation. To get the results of the content analysis, first check that the status value published to the Amazon SNS topic is SUCCEEDED. If so, call get_content_moderation and pass the job identifier (JobId) from the initial call to start_content_moderation.

For more information, see Working with Stored Videos in the Amazon Rekognition Devlopers Guide.

get_content_moderation returns detected inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content moderation labels, and the time they are detected, in an array, ModerationLabels, of ContentModerationDetection objects.

By default, the moderated labels are returned sorted by time, in milliseconds from the start of the video. You can also sort them by moderated label by specifying NAME for the SortBy input parameter.

Since video analysis can return a large number of results, use the MaxResults parameter to limit the number of labels returned in a single call to get_content_moderation. If there are more results than specified in MaxResults, the value of NextToken in the operation response contains a pagination token for getting the next set of results. To get the next page of results, call get_content_moderation and populate the NextToken request parameter with the value of NextToken returned from the previous call to get_content_moderation.

For more information, see moderating content in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide.


rekognition_get_content_moderation(JobId, MaxResults, NextToken, SortBy,



[required] The identifier for the inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive content moderation job. Use JobId to identify the job in a subsequent call to get_content_moderation.


Maximum number of results to return per paginated call. The largest value you can specify is 1000. If you specify a value greater than 1000, a maximum of 1000 results is returned. The default value is 1000.


If the previous response was incomplete (because there is more data to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of content moderation labels.


Sort to use for elements in the ModerationLabelDetections array. Use TIMESTAMP to sort array elements by the time labels are detected. Use NAME to alphabetically group elements for a label together. Within each label group, the array element are sorted by detection confidence. The default sort is by TIMESTAMP.


Defines how to aggregate results of the StartContentModeration request. Default aggregation option is TIMESTAMPS. SEGMENTS mode aggregates moderation labels over time.


A list with the following syntax:

  StatusMessage = "string",
  VideoMetadata = list(
    Codec = "string",
    DurationMillis = 123,
    Format = "string",
    FrameRate = 123.0,
    FrameHeight = 123,
    FrameWidth = 123,
    ColorRange = "FULL"|"LIMITED"
  ModerationLabels = list(
      Timestamp = 123,
      ModerationLabel = list(
        Confidence = 123.0,
        Name = "string",
        ParentName = "string",
        TaxonomyLevel = 123
      StartTimestampMillis = 123,
      EndTimestampMillis = 123,
      DurationMillis = 123,
      ContentTypes = list(
          Confidence = 123.0,
          Name = "string"
  NextToken = "string",
  ModerationModelVersion = "string",
  JobId = "string",
  Video = list(
    S3Object = list(
      Bucket = "string",
      Name = "string",
      Version = "string"
  JobTag = "string",
  GetRequestMetadata = list(
    SortBy = "NAME"|"TIMESTAMP",
    AggregateBy = "TIMESTAMPS"|"SEGMENTS"

Request syntax

  JobId = "string",
  MaxResults = 123,
  NextToken = "string",
  SortBy = "NAME"|"TIMESTAMP",