Available Services¶
- Athena (athena)
- CloudSearch (cloudsearch)
- CloudSearch Domain (cloudsearchdomain)
- Data Pipeline (datapipeline)
- Data Zone (datazone)
- Elastic Search Service (elasticsearchservice)
- Elastic MapReduce (emr)
- EntityResolution (entityresolution)
- Firehose (firehose)
- Glue (glue)
- Glue Databrew (gluedatabrew)
- Healthlake (healthlake)
- Interactive Video Service (ivs)
- Interactive Video Service Real Time (ivsrealtime)
- Kafka (kafka)
- Kafka Connect (kafkaconnect)
- Kendra (kendra)
- Kendra Ranking (kendraranking)
- Kinesis (kinesis)
- Kinesis Analytics (kinesisanalytics)
- Kinesis Analyticsv2 (kinesisanalyticsv2)
- Mechanical Turk (mturk)
- OpenSearch Ingestion (opensearchingestion)
- OpenSearch Service (opensearchservice)
- OpenSearch Service Serverless (opensearchserviceserverless)
- QuickSight (quicksight)
- EventBridge (eventbridge)
- EventBridge Pipes (eventbridgepipes)
- EventBridge Scheduler (eventbridgescheduler)
- Location Service (locationservice)
- Managed Message Broker Service (mq)
- Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (mwaa)
- Resource Explorer (resourceexplorer)
- Schemas (schemas)
- Step Functions (sfn)
- Simple Notification Service (sns)
- Simple Queue Service (sqs)
- Simple Workflow Service (swf)
- AWS App Runner (apprunner)
- Batch (batch)
- Braket (braket)
- Compute Optimizer (computeoptimizer)
- Elastic Compute Cloud (ec2)
- Elastic Compute Cloud Instance Connect (ec2instanceconnect)
- Elastic Container Registry (ecr)
- Elastic Container Registry Public (ecrpublic)
- EC2 Container Service (ecs)
- Elastic Kubernetes Service (eks)
- Elastic Bean Stalk (elasticbeanstalk)
- Elastic MapReduce Containers (emrcontainers)
- Elastic MapReduce Serverless (emrserverless)
- Image Builder (imagebuilder)
- Lambda (lambda)
- Lightsail (lightsail)
- Proton (proton)
- Serverless Application Repository (serverlessapplicationrepository)
- AWS Billing (billing)
- Billing Conductor (billingconductor)
- Budgets (budgets)
- Cost and Usage Report Service (costandusagereportservice)
- Cost Explorer (costexplorer)
- Marketplace Catalog Service (marketplacecatalog)
- Marketplace Commerce Analytics (marketplacecommerceanalytics)
- Marketplace Entitlement Service (marketplaceentitlementservice)
- Marketplace Metering (marketplacemetering)
- Payment Cryptography Control Plane (paymentcryptographycontrolplane)
- Payment Cryptography Data Plane (paymentcryptographydataplane)
- Pricing (pricing)
- Savings Plans (savingsplans)
- Connect (connect)
- Connect Campaign Service (connectcampaignservice)
- Connect Campaign Service V2 (connectcampaignservicev2)
- Connect Cases (connectcases)
- Connect Contact Lens (connectcontactlens)
- Connect Participatn (connectparticipant)
- Connect Wisdon Service (connectwisdomservice)
- Customer Profiles (customerprofiles)
- Pinpoint (pinpoint)
- Pinpoint Email (pinpointemail)
- Pinpoint SMS Voice (pinpointsmsvoice)
- Pinpoint SMS Voice V2 (pinpointsmsvoicev2)
- Simple Email Service (ses)
- Simple Email Service V2 (sesv2)
- DynamoDB Accelerator (dax)
- Amazon DocumentDB (docdb)
- Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters (docdbelastic)
- Dynamodb (dynamodb)
- Dynamodb Streams (dynamodbstreams)
- Elastic Cache (elasticache)
- Keyspaces (keyspaces)
- Lake Formation (lakeformation)
- Memorydb (memorydb)
- Neptune (neptune)
- Neptune Data (neptunedata)
- Quantum Ledger Database (qldb)
- Quantum Ledger Database Session (qldbsession)
- Relational Database Service (rds)
- Relational Database Service Data Service (rdsdataservice)
- Redshift (redshift)
- Redshift Data Api Service (redshiftdataapiservice)
- Redshift Serverless (redshiftserverless)
- SimpleDB (simpledb)
- Time Stream Query (timestreamquery)
- Time Stream Write (timestreamwrite)
- Cloud9 (cloud9)
- Cloud Control API (cloudcontrolapi)
- CodeArtifact (codeartifact)
- CodeBuild (codebuild)
- CodeCatalyst (codecatalyst)
- CodeCommit (codecommit)
- CodeConnections (codeconnections)
- CodeDeploy (codedeploy)
- CodeGuru Profiler (codeguruprofiler)
- CodeGuru Reviewer (codegurureviewer)
- CodeGuru Security (codegurusecurity)
- CodePipeline (codepipeline)
- CodeStar Connections (codestarconnections)
- CodeStar Notifications (codestarnotifications)
- Dev Ops Guru (devopsguru)
- Elastic Disaster Recovery Service (drs)
- Fault Injection Simulator (fis)
- Well-Architected Tool (wellarchitected)
- X-Ray (xray)
- AppStream (appstream)
- Chatbot (chatbot)
- Interactive Video Service Chat (ivschat)
- WorkDocs (workdocs)
- WorkMail (workmail)
- WorkMail Message Flow (workmailmessageflow)
- WorkSpaces (workspaces)
- WorkSpaces Web (workspacesweb)
- Augmented AI Runtime (augmentedairuntime)
- Bedrock (bedrock)
- Agents for Amazon Bedrock (bedrockagent)
- Agents for Amazon Bedrock Runtime (bedrockagentruntime)
- Data Automation for Amazon Bedrock (bedrockdataautomation)
- Data Automation for Amazon Bedrock Runtime (bedrockdataautomationruntime)
- Bedrock Runtime (bedrockruntime)
- Comprehend (comprehend)
- Comprehend Medical (comprehendmedical)
- Elastic Inference (elasticinference)
- Forecast Query Service (forecastqueryservice)
- Forecast Service (forecastservice)
- Fraud Detector (frauddetector)
- Lex Model Building Service (lexmodelbuildingservice)
- Lex Models V2 (lexmodelsv2)
- Lex Runtime Service (lexruntimeservice)
- Lex Runtime V2 (lexruntimev2)
- Lookout for Equipment (lookoutequipment)
- Lookout for Metrics (lookoutmetrics)
- Machine Learning (machinelearning)
- Panorama (panorama)
- Personalize (personalize)
- Personalize Events (personalizeevents)
- Personalize Runtime (personalizeruntime)
- Polly (polly)
- Rekognition (rekognition)
- Sagemaker (sagemaker)
- Sagemaker Edge Manager (sagemakeredgemanager)
- Sagemaker Feature Store Runtime (sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime)
- Sagemaker Geospatial Capabilities (sagemakergeospatialcapabilities)
- Sagemaker Metrics (sagemakermetrics)
- Sagemaker Runtime (sagemakerruntime)
- Textract (textract)
- Transcribe Service (transcribeservice)
- Translate (translate)
- Voice ID (voiceid)
- Application Auto Scaling (applicationautoscaling)
- Application Cost Profiler (applicationcostprofiler)
- Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights (applicationinsights)
- AWS Service Catalog App Registry (appregistry)
- Audit Manager (auditmanager)
- Auto Scaling (autoscaling)
- Auto Scaling Plans (autoscalingplans)
- Cloud Formation (cloudformation)
- CloudTrail (cloudtrail)
- CloudTrail Data Service (cloudtraildataservice)
- CloudWatch (cloudwatch)
- Amazon CloudWatch Application Signals (cloudwatchapplicationsignals)
- CloudWatch Evidently (cloudwatchevidently)
- CloudWatch Internet Monitor (cloudwatchinternetmonitor)
- CloudWatch Logs (cloudwatchlogs)
- CloudWatch Observability Access Manager (cloudwatchobservabilityaccessmanager)
- CloudWatch Rum (cloudwatchrum)
- Config Service (configservice)
- Control Tower (controltower)
- Finspace (finspace)
- Health (health)
- License Manager (licensemanager)
- License Manager Linux Subscriptions (licensemanagerlinuxsubscriptions)
- License Manager User Subscriptions (licensemanagerusersubscriptions)
- Managed Grafana (managedgrafana)
- OpsWorks Stacks (opsworks)
- OpsWorks CM (opsworkscm)
- Organizations (organizations)
- Performance Insights (pi)
- Prometheus Service (prometheusservice)
- Resilience Hub (resiliencehub)
- Resource Groups (resourcegroups)
- Resource Groups Tagging API (resourcegroupstaggingapi)
- Service Catalog (servicecatalog)
- Service Quotas (servicequotas)
- Simple Systems Manager (ssm)
- Simple Systems Manager Contacts (ssmcontacts)
- Simple Systems Manager Incidents (ssmincidents)
- Simple Systems Manager for SAP (ssmsap)
- Support (support)
- Support APP (supportapp)
- Synthetics (synthetics)
- Amazon API Gateway (apigateway)
- Amazon Api Gateway Management Api (apigatewaymanagementapi)
- Amazon Api Gateway V2 (apigatewayv2)
- AppFabric (appfabric)
- App Mesh (appmesh)
- ARC - Zonal Shift (arczonalshift)
- Backup Gateway (backupgateway)
- Cloud Front (cloudfront)
- Cloud Front Key Value Store (cloudfrontkeyvaluestore)
- Direct Connect (directconnect)
- Elastic Load Balancing (elb)
- Elastic Load Balancing V2 (elbv2)
- Global Accelerator (globalaccelerator)
- Network Firewall (networkfirewall)
- Network Manager (networkmanager)
- Route53 (route53)
- Route53 Domains (route53domains)
- Route53 Profiles (route53profiles)
- Route53 Recovery Cluster (route53recoverycluster)
- Route53 Recovery Control Config (route53recoverycontrolconfig)
- Route53 Recovery Readiness (route53recoveryreadiness)
- Route53 Resolver (route53resolver)
- Service Discovery (servicediscovery)
- Telco Network Builder (telconetworkbuilder)
- VPC Lattice (vpclattice)
- Access Analyzer (accessanalyzer)
- Account (account)
- AWS Certificate Manager (acm)
- AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (acmpca)
- Clean Rooms ML (cleanroomsml)
- Cloud Directory (clouddirectory)
- CloudHSM (cloudhsm)
- CloudHSM V2 (cloudhsmv2)
- Cognito Identity (cognitoidentity)
- Cognito Identity Provider (cognitoidentityprovider)
- Cognito Sync (cognitosync)
- Detective (detective)
- Directory Service (directoryservice)
- Firewall Management Service (fms)
- Guard Duty (guardduty)
- Identity and Access Management (iam)
- Identity and Access Management Role Anywhere (iamrolesanywhere)
- Identity Store (identitystore)
- Inspector (inspector)
- Inspector2 (inspector2)
- Key Management Service (kms)
- Macie 2 (macie2)
- PcaConnectorAd (pcaconnectorad)
- Resource Access Manager (ram)
- Secrets Manager (secretsmanager)
- Security Hub (securityhub)
- Security Lake (securitylake)
- Shield (shield)
- Single Sign-On (sso)
- Single Sign-On Admin (ssoadmin)
- Single Sign-On OIDC (ssooidc)
- Security Token Service (sts)
- Verified Permissions (verifiedpermissions)
- Web Application Firewall (waf)
- Web Application Firewall Regional (wafregional)
- Web Application Firewall V2 (wafv2)
- Backup (backup)
- Data Lifecycle Manager (dlm)
- Elastic Block Store (ebs)
- Elastic File System (efs)
- Finspace Data (finspacedata)
- FSx (fsx)
- Glacier (glacier)
- HealthOmics (omics)
- Recycle Bin (recyclebin)
- Simple Storage Service (s3)
- Simple Storage Service Control (s3control)
- Simple Storage Service Outposts (s3outposts)
- Storage Gateway (storagegateway)