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Modify Custom Db Engine Version

rds_modify_custom_db_engine_version R Documentation

Modifies the status of a custom engine version (CEV)


Modifies the status of a custom engine version (CEV). You can find CEVs to modify by calling describe_db_engine_versions.

The MediaImport service that imports files from Amazon S3 to create CEVs isn't integrated with Amazon Web Services CloudTrail. If you turn on data logging for Amazon RDS in CloudTrail, calls to the ModifyCustomDbEngineVersion event aren't logged. However, you might see calls from the API gateway that accesses your Amazon S3 bucket. These calls originate from the MediaImport service for the ModifyCustomDbEngineVersion event.

For more information, see Modifying CEV status in the Amazon RDS User Guide.


rds_modify_custom_db_engine_version(Engine, EngineVersion, Description,



[required] The database engine. RDS Custom for Oracle supports the following values:

  • custom-oracle-ee

  • custom-oracle-ee-cdb

  • custom-oracle-se2

  • custom-oracle-se2-cdb


[required] The custom engine version (CEV) that you want to modify. This option is required for RDS Custom for Oracle, but optional for Amazon RDS. The combination of Engine and EngineVersion is unique per customer per Amazon Web Services Region.


An optional description of your CEV.


The availability status to be assigned to the CEV. Valid values are as follows:


You can use this CEV to create a new RDS Custom DB instance.


You can create a new RDS Custom instance by restoring a DB snapshot with this CEV. You can't patch or create new instances with this CEV.

You can change any status to any status. A typical reason to change status is to prevent the accidental use of a CEV, or to make a deprecated CEV eligible for use again. For example, you might change the status of your CEV from available to inactive, and from inactive back to available. To change the availability status of the CEV, it must not currently be in use by an RDS Custom instance, snapshot, or automated backup.


A list with the following syntax:

  Engine = "string",
  EngineVersion = "string",
  DBParameterGroupFamily = "string",
  DBEngineDescription = "string",
  DBEngineVersionDescription = "string",
  DefaultCharacterSet = list(
    CharacterSetName = "string",
    CharacterSetDescription = "string"
  Image = list(
    ImageId = "string",
    Status = "string"
  DBEngineMediaType = "string",
  SupportedCharacterSets = list(
      CharacterSetName = "string",
      CharacterSetDescription = "string"
  SupportedNcharCharacterSets = list(
      CharacterSetName = "string",
      CharacterSetDescription = "string"
  ValidUpgradeTarget = list(
      Engine = "string",
      EngineVersion = "string",
      Description = "string",
      AutoUpgrade = TRUE|FALSE,
      IsMajorVersionUpgrade = TRUE|FALSE,
      SupportedEngineModes = list(
      SupportsParallelQuery = TRUE|FALSE,
      SupportsGlobalDatabases = TRUE|FALSE,
      SupportsBabelfish = TRUE|FALSE,
      SupportsLimitlessDatabase = TRUE|FALSE,
      SupportsLocalWriteForwarding = TRUE|FALSE,
      SupportsIntegrations = TRUE|FALSE
  SupportedTimezones = list(
      TimezoneName = "string"
  ExportableLogTypes = list(
  SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs = TRUE|FALSE,
  SupportsReadReplica = TRUE|FALSE,
  SupportedEngineModes = list(
  SupportedFeatureNames = list(
  Status = "string",
  SupportsParallelQuery = TRUE|FALSE,
  SupportsGlobalDatabases = TRUE|FALSE,
  MajorEngineVersion = "string",
  DatabaseInstallationFilesS3BucketName = "string",
  DatabaseInstallationFilesS3Prefix = "string",
  DBEngineVersionArn = "string",
  KMSKeyId = "string",
  CreateTime = as.POSIXct(
  TagList = list(
      Key = "string",
      Value = "string"
  SupportsBabelfish = TRUE|FALSE,
  CustomDBEngineVersionManifest = "string",
  SupportsLimitlessDatabase = TRUE|FALSE,
  SupportsCertificateRotationWithoutRestart = TRUE|FALSE,
  SupportedCACertificateIdentifiers = list(
  SupportsLocalWriteForwarding = TRUE|FALSE,
  SupportsIntegrations = TRUE|FALSE

Request syntax

  Engine = "string",
  EngineVersion = "string",
  Description = "string",
  Status = "available"|"inactive"|"inactive-except-restore"