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Modify Activity Stream

rds_modify_activity_stream R Documentation

Changes the audit policy state of a database activity stream to either locked (default) or unlocked


Changes the audit policy state of a database activity stream to either locked (default) or unlocked. A locked policy is read-only, whereas an unlocked policy is read/write. If your activity stream is started and locked, you can unlock it, customize your audit policy, and then lock your activity stream. Restarting the activity stream isn't required. For more information, see Modifying a database activity stream in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

This operation is supported for RDS for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.


rds_modify_activity_stream(ResourceArn, AuditPolicyState)



The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the RDS for Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server DB instance. For example, arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:12345667890:db:my-orcl-db.


The audit policy state. When a policy is unlocked, it is read/write. When it is locked, it is read-only. You can edit your audit policy only when the activity stream is unlocked or stopped.


A list with the following syntax:

  KmsKeyId = "string",
  KinesisStreamName = "string",
  Status = "stopped"|"starting"|"started"|"stopping",
  Mode = "sync"|"async",
  EngineNativeAuditFieldsIncluded = TRUE|FALSE,
  PolicyStatus = "locked"|"unlocked"|"locking-policy"|"unlocking-policy"

Request syntax

  ResourceArn = "string",
  AuditPolicyState = "locked"|"unlocked"