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Delete Analysis

quicksight_delete_analysis R Documentation

Deletes an analysis from Amazon QuickSight


Deletes an analysis from Amazon QuickSight. You can optionally include a recovery window during which you can restore the analysis. If you don't specify a recovery window value, the operation defaults to 30 days. Amazon QuickSight attaches a DeletionTime stamp to the response that specifies the end of the recovery window. At the end of the recovery window, Amazon QuickSight deletes the analysis permanently.

At any time before recovery window ends, you can use the restore_analysis API operation to remove the DeletionTime stamp and cancel the deletion of the analysis. The analysis remains visible in the API until it's deleted, so you can describe it but you can't make a template from it.

An analysis that's scheduled for deletion isn't accessible in the Amazon QuickSight console. To access it in the console, restore it. Deleting an analysis doesn't delete the dashboards that you publish from it.


quicksight_delete_analysis(AwsAccountId, AnalysisId,
  RecoveryWindowInDays, ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery)



[required] The ID of the Amazon Web Services account where you want to delete an analysis.


[required] The ID of the analysis that you're deleting.


A value that specifies the number of days that Amazon QuickSight waits before it deletes the analysis. You can't use this parameter with the ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery option in the same API call. The default value is 30.


This option defaults to the value NoForceDeleteWithoutRecovery. To immediately delete the analysis, add the ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery option. You can't restore an analysis after it's deleted.


A list with the following syntax:

  Status = 123,
  Arn = "string",
  AnalysisId = "string",
  DeletionTime = as.POSIXct(
  RequestId = "string"

Request syntax

  AwsAccountId = "string",
  AnalysisId = "string",
  RecoveryWindowInDays = 123,
  ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery = TRUE|FALSE