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Create Account Customization

quicksight_create_account_customization R Documentation

Creates Amazon QuickSight customizations for the current Amazon Web Services Region


Creates Amazon QuickSight customizations for the current Amazon Web Services Region. Currently, you can add a custom default theme by using the create_account_customization or update_account_customization API operation. To further customize Amazon QuickSight by removing Amazon QuickSight sample assets and videos for all new users, see Customizing Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

You can create customizations for your Amazon Web Services account or, if you specify a namespace, for a QuickSight namespace instead. Customizations that apply to a namespace always override customizations that apply to an Amazon Web Services account. To find out which customizations apply, use the describe_account_customization API operation.

Before you use the create_account_customization API operation to add a theme as the namespace default, make sure that you first share the theme with the namespace. If you don't share it with the namespace, the theme isn't visible to your users even if you make it the default theme. To check if the theme is shared, view the current permissions by using the describe_theme_permissions API operation. To share the theme, grant permissions by using the update_theme_permissions API operation.


quicksight_create_account_customization(AwsAccountId, Namespace,
  AccountCustomization, Tags)



[required] The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to customize Amazon QuickSight for.


The Amazon QuickSight namespace that you want to add customizations to.


[required] The Amazon QuickSight customizations you're adding in the current Amazon Web Services Region. You can add these to an Amazon Web Services account and a QuickSight namespace.

For example, you can add a default theme by setting AccountCustomization to the midnight theme: "AccountCustomization": { "DefaultTheme": "arn:aws:quicksight::aws:theme/MIDNIGHT" }. Or, you can add a custom theme by specifying "AccountCustomization": { "DefaultTheme": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-west-2:111122223333:theme/bdb844d0-0fe9-4d9d-b520-0fe602d93639" }.


A list of the tags that you want to attach to this resource.


A list with the following syntax:

  Arn = "string",
  AwsAccountId = "string",
  Namespace = "string",
  AccountCustomization = list(
    DefaultTheme = "string",
    DefaultEmailCustomizationTemplate = "string"
  RequestId = "string",
  Status = 123

Request syntax

  AwsAccountId = "string",
  Namespace = "string",
  AccountCustomization = list(
    DefaultTheme = "string",
    DefaultEmailCustomizationTemplate = "string"
  Tags = list(
      Key = "string",
      Value = "string"