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Update Service Pipeline

proton_update_service_pipeline R Documentation

Update the service pipeline


Update the service pipeline.

There are four modes for updating a service pipeline. The deploymentType field defines the mode.


In this mode, a deployment doesn't occur. Only the requested metadata parameters are updated.


In this mode, the service pipeline is deployed and updated with the new spec that you provide. Only requested parameters are updated. Don’t include major or minor version parameters when you use this deployment-type.


In this mode, the service pipeline is deployed and updated with the published, recommended (latest) minor version of the current major version in use, by default. You can specify a different minor version of the current major version in use.


In this mode, the service pipeline is deployed and updated with the published, recommended (latest) major and minor version of the current template by default. You can specify a different major version that's higher than the major version in use and a minor version.


proton_update_service_pipeline(deploymentType, serviceName, spec,
  templateMajorVersion, templateMinorVersion)



[required] The deployment type.

There are four modes for updating a service pipeline. The deploymentType field defines the mode.


In this mode, a deployment doesn't occur. Only the requested metadata parameters are updated.


In this mode, the service pipeline is deployed and updated with the new spec that you provide. Only requested parameters are updated. Don’t include major or minor version parameters when you use this deployment-type.


In this mode, the service pipeline is deployed and updated with the published, recommended (latest) minor version of the current major version in use, by default. You can specify a different minor version of the current major version in use.


In this mode, the service pipeline is deployed and updated with the published, recommended (latest) major and minor version of the current template, by default. You can specify a different major version that's higher than the major version in use and a minor version.


[required] The name of the service to that the pipeline is associated with.


[required] The spec for the service pipeline to update.


The major version of the service template that was used to create the service that the pipeline is associated with.


The minor version of the service template that was used to create the service that the pipeline is associated with.


A list with the following syntax:

  pipeline = list(
    arn = "string",
    createdAt = as.POSIXct(
    deploymentStatusMessage = "string",
    lastAttemptedDeploymentId = "string",
    lastDeploymentAttemptedAt = as.POSIXct(
    lastDeploymentSucceededAt = as.POSIXct(
    lastSucceededDeploymentId = "string",
    spec = "string",
    templateMajorVersion = "string",
    templateMinorVersion = "string",
    templateName = "string"

Request syntax

  serviceName = "string",
  spec = "string",
  templateMajorVersion = "string",
  templateMinorVersion = "string"