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Create Pool

pinpointsmsvoicev2_create_pool R Documentation

Creates a new pool and associates the specified origination identity to the pool


Creates a new pool and associates the specified origination identity to the pool. A pool can include one or more phone numbers and SenderIds that are associated with your Amazon Web Services account.

The new pool inherits its configuration from the specified origination identity. This includes keywords, message type, opt-out list, two-way configuration, and self-managed opt-out configuration. Deletion protection isn't inherited from the origination identity and defaults to false.

If the origination identity is a phone number and is already associated with another pool, an error is returned. A sender ID can be associated with multiple pools.


pinpointsmsvoicev2_create_pool(OriginationIdentity, IsoCountryCode,
  MessageType, DeletionProtectionEnabled, Tags, ClientToken)



[required] The origination identity to use such as a PhoneNumberId, PhoneNumberArn, SenderId or SenderIdArn. You can use describe_phone_numbers to find the values for PhoneNumberId and PhoneNumberArn while describe_sender_ids can be used to get the values for SenderId and SenderIdArn.

After the pool is created you can add more origination identities to the pool by using associate_origination_identity.


[required] The new two-character code, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for the country or region of the new pool.


[required] The type of message. Valid values are TRANSACTIONAL for messages that are critical or time-sensitive and PROMOTIONAL for messages that aren't critical or time-sensitive. After the pool is created the MessageType can't be changed.


By default this is set to false. When set to true the pool can't be deleted. You can change this value using the update_pool action.


An array of tags (key and value pairs) associated with the pool.


Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If you don't specify a client token, a randomly generated token is used for the request to ensure idempotency.


A list with the following syntax:

  PoolArn = "string",
  PoolId = "string",
  TwoWayEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
  TwoWayChannelArn = "string",
  TwoWayChannelRole = "string",
  SelfManagedOptOutsEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
  OptOutListName = "string",
  SharedRoutesEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
  DeletionProtectionEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
  Tags = list(
      Key = "string",
      Value = "string"
  CreatedTimestamp = as.POSIXct(

Request syntax

  OriginationIdentity = "string",
  IsoCountryCode = "string",
  DeletionProtectionEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
  Tags = list(
      Key = "string",
      Value = "string"
  ClientToken = "string"