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Get Campaigns

pinpoint_get_campaigns R Documentation

Retrieves information about the status, configuration, and other settings for all the campaigns that are associated with an application


Retrieves information about the status, configuration, and other settings for all the campaigns that are associated with an application.


pinpoint_get_campaigns(ApplicationId, PageSize, Token)



[required] The unique identifier for the application. This identifier is displayed as the Project ID on the Amazon Pinpoint console.


The maximum number of items to include in each page of a paginated response. This parameter is not supported for application, campaign, and journey metrics.


The NextToken string that specifies which page of results to return in a paginated response.


A list with the following syntax:

  CampaignsResponse = list(
    Item = list(
        AdditionalTreatments = list(
            CustomDeliveryConfiguration = list(
              DeliveryUri = "string",
              EndpointTypes = list(
            Id = "string",
            MessageConfiguration = list(
              ADMMessage = list(
                Action = "OPEN_APP"|"DEEP_LINK"|"URL",
                Body = "string",
                ImageIconUrl = "string",
                ImageSmallIconUrl = "string",
                ImageUrl = "string",
                JsonBody = "string",
                MediaUrl = "string",
                RawContent = "string",
                SilentPush = TRUE|FALSE,
                TimeToLive = 123,
                Title = "string",
                Url = "string"
              APNSMessage = list(
                Action = "OPEN_APP"|"DEEP_LINK"|"URL",
                Body = "string",
                ImageIconUrl = "string",
                ImageSmallIconUrl = "string",
                ImageUrl = "string",
                JsonBody = "string",
                MediaUrl = "string",
                RawContent = "string",
                SilentPush = TRUE|FALSE,
                TimeToLive = 123,
                Title = "string",
                Url = "string"
              BaiduMessage = list(
                Action = "OPEN_APP"|"DEEP_LINK"|"URL",
                Body = "string",
                ImageIconUrl = "string",
                ImageSmallIconUrl = "string",
                ImageUrl = "string",
                JsonBody = "string",
                MediaUrl = "string",
                RawContent = "string",
                SilentPush = TRUE|FALSE,
                TimeToLive = 123,
                Title = "string",
                Url = "string"
              CustomMessage = list(
                Data = "string"
              DefaultMessage = list(
                Action = "OPEN_APP"|"DEEP_LINK"|"URL",
                Body = "string",
                ImageIconUrl = "string",
                ImageSmallIconUrl = "string",
                ImageUrl = "string",
                JsonBody = "string",
                MediaUrl = "string",
                RawContent = "string",
                SilentPush = TRUE|FALSE,
                TimeToLive = 123,
                Title = "string",
                Url = "string"
              EmailMessage = list(
                Body = "string",
                FromAddress = "string",
                Headers = list(
                    Name = "string",
                    Value = "string"
                HtmlBody = "string",
                Title = "string"
              GCMMessage = list(
                Action = "OPEN_APP"|"DEEP_LINK"|"URL",
                Body = "string",
                ImageIconUrl = "string",
                ImageSmallIconUrl = "string",
                ImageUrl = "string",
                JsonBody = "string",
                MediaUrl = "string",
                RawContent = "string",
                SilentPush = TRUE|FALSE,
                TimeToLive = 123,
                Title = "string",
                Url = "string"
              SMSMessage = list(
                Body = "string",
                MessageType = "TRANSACTIONAL"|"PROMOTIONAL",
                OriginationNumber = "string",
                SenderId = "string",
                EntityId = "string",
                TemplateId = "string"
              InAppMessage = list(
                Body = "string",
                Content = list(
                    BackgroundColor = "string",
                    BodyConfig = list(
                      Alignment = "LEFT"|"CENTER"|"RIGHT",
                      Body = "string",
                      TextColor = "string"
                    HeaderConfig = list(
                      Alignment = "LEFT"|"CENTER"|"RIGHT",
                      Header = "string",
                      TextColor = "string"
                    ImageUrl = "string",
                    PrimaryBtn = list(
                      Android = list(
                        ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                        Link = "string"
                      DefaultConfig = list(
                        BackgroundColor = "string",
                        BorderRadius = 123,
                        ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                        Link = "string",
                        Text = "string",
                        TextColor = "string"
                      IOS = list(
                        ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                        Link = "string"
                      Web = list(
                        ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                        Link = "string"
                    SecondaryBtn = list(
                      Android = list(
                        ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                        Link = "string"
                      DefaultConfig = list(
                        BackgroundColor = "string",
                        BorderRadius = 123,
                        ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                        Link = "string",
                        Text = "string",
                        TextColor = "string"
                      IOS = list(
                        ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                        Link = "string"
                      Web = list(
                        ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                        Link = "string"
                CustomConfig = list(
            Schedule = list(
              EndTime = "string",
              EventFilter = list(
                Dimensions = list(
                  Attributes = list(
                      AttributeType = "INCLUSIVE"|"EXCLUSIVE"|"CONTAINS"|"BEFORE"|"AFTER"|"ON"|"BETWEEN",
                      Values = list(
                  EventType = list(
                    DimensionType = "INCLUSIVE"|"EXCLUSIVE",
                    Values = list(
                  Metrics = list(
                      ComparisonOperator = "string",
                      Value = 123.0
                FilterType = "SYSTEM"|"ENDPOINT"
              Frequency = "ONCE"|"HOURLY"|"DAILY"|"WEEKLY"|"MONTHLY"|"EVENT"|"IN_APP_EVENT",
              IsLocalTime = TRUE|FALSE,
              QuietTime = list(
                End = "string",
                Start = "string"
              StartTime = "string",
              Timezone = "string"
            SizePercent = 123,
            State = list(
            TemplateConfiguration = list(
              EmailTemplate = list(
                Name = "string",
                Version = "string"
              PushTemplate = list(
                Name = "string",
                Version = "string"
              SMSTemplate = list(
                Name = "string",
                Version = "string"
              VoiceTemplate = list(
                Name = "string",
                Version = "string"
              InAppTemplate = list(
                Name = "string",
                Version = "string"
            TreatmentDescription = "string",
            TreatmentName = "string"
        ApplicationId = "string",
        Arn = "string",
        CreationDate = "string",
        CustomDeliveryConfiguration = list(
          DeliveryUri = "string",
          EndpointTypes = list(
        DefaultState = list(
        Description = "string",
        HoldoutPercent = 123,
        Hook = list(
          LambdaFunctionName = "string",
          Mode = "DELIVERY"|"FILTER",
          WebUrl = "string"
        Id = "string",
        IsPaused = TRUE|FALSE,
        LastModifiedDate = "string",
        Limits = list(
          Daily = 123,
          MaximumDuration = 123,
          MessagesPerSecond = 123,
          Total = 123,
          Session = 123
        MessageConfiguration = list(
          ADMMessage = list(
            Action = "OPEN_APP"|"DEEP_LINK"|"URL",
            Body = "string",
            ImageIconUrl = "string",
            ImageSmallIconUrl = "string",
            ImageUrl = "string",
            JsonBody = "string",
            MediaUrl = "string",
            RawContent = "string",
            SilentPush = TRUE|FALSE,
            TimeToLive = 123,
            Title = "string",
            Url = "string"
          APNSMessage = list(
            Action = "OPEN_APP"|"DEEP_LINK"|"URL",
            Body = "string",
            ImageIconUrl = "string",
            ImageSmallIconUrl = "string",
            ImageUrl = "string",
            JsonBody = "string",
            MediaUrl = "string",
            RawContent = "string",
            SilentPush = TRUE|FALSE,
            TimeToLive = 123,
            Title = "string",
            Url = "string"
          BaiduMessage = list(
            Action = "OPEN_APP"|"DEEP_LINK"|"URL",
            Body = "string",
            ImageIconUrl = "string",
            ImageSmallIconUrl = "string",
            ImageUrl = "string",
            JsonBody = "string",
            MediaUrl = "string",
            RawContent = "string",
            SilentPush = TRUE|FALSE,
            TimeToLive = 123,
            Title = "string",
            Url = "string"
          CustomMessage = list(
            Data = "string"
          DefaultMessage = list(
            Action = "OPEN_APP"|"DEEP_LINK"|"URL",
            Body = "string",
            ImageIconUrl = "string",
            ImageSmallIconUrl = "string",
            ImageUrl = "string",
            JsonBody = "string",
            MediaUrl = "string",
            RawContent = "string",
            SilentPush = TRUE|FALSE,
            TimeToLive = 123,
            Title = "string",
            Url = "string"
          EmailMessage = list(
            Body = "string",
            FromAddress = "string",
            Headers = list(
                Name = "string",
                Value = "string"
            HtmlBody = "string",
            Title = "string"
          GCMMessage = list(
            Action = "OPEN_APP"|"DEEP_LINK"|"URL",
            Body = "string",
            ImageIconUrl = "string",
            ImageSmallIconUrl = "string",
            ImageUrl = "string",
            JsonBody = "string",
            MediaUrl = "string",
            RawContent = "string",
            SilentPush = TRUE|FALSE,
            TimeToLive = 123,
            Title = "string",
            Url = "string"
          SMSMessage = list(
            Body = "string",
            MessageType = "TRANSACTIONAL"|"PROMOTIONAL",
            OriginationNumber = "string",
            SenderId = "string",
            EntityId = "string",
            TemplateId = "string"
          InAppMessage = list(
            Body = "string",
            Content = list(
                BackgroundColor = "string",
                BodyConfig = list(
                  Alignment = "LEFT"|"CENTER"|"RIGHT",
                  Body = "string",
                  TextColor = "string"
                HeaderConfig = list(
                  Alignment = "LEFT"|"CENTER"|"RIGHT",
                  Header = "string",
                  TextColor = "string"
                ImageUrl = "string",
                PrimaryBtn = list(
                  Android = list(
                    ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                    Link = "string"
                  DefaultConfig = list(
                    BackgroundColor = "string",
                    BorderRadius = 123,
                    ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                    Link = "string",
                    Text = "string",
                    TextColor = "string"
                  IOS = list(
                    ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                    Link = "string"
                  Web = list(
                    ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                    Link = "string"
                SecondaryBtn = list(
                  Android = list(
                    ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                    Link = "string"
                  DefaultConfig = list(
                    BackgroundColor = "string",
                    BorderRadius = 123,
                    ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                    Link = "string",
                    Text = "string",
                    TextColor = "string"
                  IOS = list(
                    ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                    Link = "string"
                  Web = list(
                    ButtonAction = "LINK"|"DEEP_LINK"|"CLOSE",
                    Link = "string"
            CustomConfig = list(
        Name = "string",
        Schedule = list(
          EndTime = "string",
          EventFilter = list(
            Dimensions = list(
              Attributes = list(
                  AttributeType = "INCLUSIVE"|"EXCLUSIVE"|"CONTAINS"|"BEFORE"|"AFTER"|"ON"|"BETWEEN",
                  Values = list(
              EventType = list(
                DimensionType = "INCLUSIVE"|"EXCLUSIVE",
                Values = list(
              Metrics = list(
                  ComparisonOperator = "string",
                  Value = 123.0
            FilterType = "SYSTEM"|"ENDPOINT"
          Frequency = "ONCE"|"HOURLY"|"DAILY"|"WEEKLY"|"MONTHLY"|"EVENT"|"IN_APP_EVENT",
          IsLocalTime = TRUE|FALSE,
          QuietTime = list(
            End = "string",
            Start = "string"
          StartTime = "string",
          Timezone = "string"
        SegmentId = "string",
        SegmentVersion = 123,
        State = list(
        tags = list(
        TemplateConfiguration = list(
          EmailTemplate = list(
            Name = "string",
            Version = "string"
          PushTemplate = list(
            Name = "string",
            Version = "string"
          SMSTemplate = list(
            Name = "string",
            Version = "string"
          VoiceTemplate = list(
            Name = "string",
            Version = "string"
          InAppTemplate = list(
            Name = "string",
            Version = "string"
        TreatmentDescription = "string",
        TreatmentName = "string",
        Version = 123,
        Priority = 123
    NextToken = "string"

Request syntax

  ApplicationId = "string",
  PageSize = "string",
  Token = "string"