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Generate Card Validation Data

paymentcryptographydataplane_generate_card_validation_data R Documentation


Generates card-related validation data using algorithms such as Card Verification Values (CVV/CVV2), Dynamic Card Verification Values (dCVV/dCVV2), or Card Security Codes (CSC). For more information, see Generate card data in the Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography User Guide.

This operation generates a CVV or CSC value that is printed on a payment credit or debit card during card production. The CVV or CSC, PAN (Primary Account Number) and expiration date of the card are required to check its validity during transaction processing. To begin this operation, a CVK (Card Verification Key) encryption key is required. You can use CreateKey or ImportKey to establish a CVK within Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography. The KeyModesOfUse should be set to Generate and Verify for a CVK encryption key.

For information about valid keys for this operation, see Understanding key attributes and Key types for specific data operations in the Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography User Guide.

Cross-account use: This operation can't be used across different Amazon Web Services accounts.

Related operations:


  KeyIdentifier, PrimaryAccountNumber, GenerationAttributes,



[required] The keyARN of the CVK encryption key that Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography uses to generate card data.


[required] The Primary Account Number (PAN), a unique identifier for a payment credit or debit card that associates the card with a specific account holder.


[required] The algorithm for generating CVV or CSC values for the card within Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography.


The length of the CVV or CSC to be generated. The default value is 3.


A list with the following syntax:

  KeyArn = "string",
  KeyCheckValue = "string",
  ValidationData = "string"

Request syntax

  KeyIdentifier = "string",
  PrimaryAccountNumber = "string",
  GenerationAttributes = list(
    AmexCardSecurityCodeVersion1 = list(
      CardExpiryDate = "string"
    AmexCardSecurityCodeVersion2 = list(
      CardExpiryDate = "string",
      ServiceCode = "string"
    CardVerificationValue1 = list(
      CardExpiryDate = "string",
      ServiceCode = "string"
    CardVerificationValue2 = list(
      CardExpiryDate = "string"
    CardHolderVerificationValue = list(
      UnpredictableNumber = "string",
      PanSequenceNumber = "string",
      ApplicationTransactionCounter = "string"
    DynamicCardVerificationCode = list(
      UnpredictableNumber = "string",
      PanSequenceNumber = "string",
      ApplicationTransactionCounter = "string",
      TrackData = "string"
    DynamicCardVerificationValue = list(
      PanSequenceNumber = "string",
      CardExpiryDate = "string",
      ServiceCode = "string",
      ApplicationTransactionCounter = "string"
  ValidationDataLength = 123