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Put Resource Policy

organizations_put_resource_policy R Documentation

Creates or updates a resource policy


Creates or updates a resource policy.

You can only call this operation from the organization's management account.


organizations_put_resource_policy(Content, Tags)



[required] If provided, the new content for the resource policy. The text must be correctly formatted JSON that complies with the syntax for the resource policy's type. For more information, see SCP syntax in the Organizations User Guide.


A list of tags that you want to attach to the newly created resource policy. For each tag in the list, you must specify both a tag key and a value. You can set the value to an empty string, but you can't set it to null. For more information about tagging, see Tagging Organizations resources in the Organizations User Guide.

Calls with tags apply to the initial creation of the resource policy, otherwise an exception is thrown. If any one of the tags is not valid or if you exceed the allowed number of tags for the resource policy, then the entire request fails and the resource policy is not created.


A list with the following syntax:

  ResourcePolicy = list(
    ResourcePolicySummary = list(
      Id = "string",
      Arn = "string"
    Content = "string"

Request syntax

  Content = "string",
  Tags = list(
      Key = "string",
      Value = "string"