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Update Logging Configuration

networkfirewall_update_logging_configuration R Documentation

Sets the logging configuration for the specified firewall


Sets the logging configuration for the specified firewall.

To change the logging configuration, retrieve the LoggingConfiguration by calling describe_logging_configuration, then change it and provide the modified object to this update call. You must change the logging configuration one LogDestinationConfig at a time inside the retrieved LoggingConfiguration object.

You can perform only one of the following actions in any call to update_logging_configuration:

  • Create a new log destination object by adding a single LogDestinationConfig array element to LogDestinationConfigs.

  • Delete a log destination object by removing a single LogDestinationConfig array element from LogDestinationConfigs.

  • Change the LogDestination setting in a single LogDestinationConfig array element.

You can't change the LogDestinationType or LogType in a LogDestinationConfig. To change these settings, delete the existing LogDestinationConfig object and create a new one, using two separate calls to this update operation.


networkfirewall_update_logging_configuration(FirewallArn, FirewallName,



The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the firewall.

You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.


The descriptive name of the firewall. You can't change the name of a firewall after you create it.

You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.


Defines how Network Firewall performs logging for a firewall. If you omit this setting, Network Firewall disables logging for the firewall.


A list with the following syntax:

  FirewallArn = "string",
  FirewallName = "string",
  LoggingConfiguration = list(
    LogDestinationConfigs = list(
        LogType = "ALERT"|"FLOW"|"TLS",
        LogDestinationType = "S3"|"CloudWatchLogs"|"KinesisDataFirehose",
        LogDestination = list(

Request syntax

  FirewallArn = "string",
  FirewallName = "string",
  LoggingConfiguration = list(
    LogDestinationConfigs = list(
        LogType = "ALERT"|"FLOW"|"TLS",
        LogDestinationType = "S3"|"CloudWatchLogs"|"KinesisDataFirehose",
        LogDestination = list(