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Put Resource Policy

networkfirewall_put_resource_policy R Documentation

Creates or updates an IAM policy for your rule group or firewall policy


Creates or updates an IAM policy for your rule group or firewall policy. Use this to share rule groups and firewall policies between accounts. This operation works in conjunction with the Amazon Web Services Resource Access Manager (RAM) service to manage resource sharing for Network Firewall.

Use this operation to create or update a resource policy for your rule group or firewall policy. In the policy, you specify the accounts that you want to share the resource with and the operations that you want the accounts to be able to perform.

When you add an account in the resource policy, you then run the following Resource Access Manager (RAM) operations to access and accept the shared rule group or firewall policy.

For additional information about resource sharing using RAM, see Resource Access Manager User Guide.


networkfirewall_put_resource_policy(ResourceArn, Policy)



[required] The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the account that you want to share rule groups and firewall policies with.


[required] The IAM policy statement that lists the accounts that you want to share your rule group or firewall policy with and the operations that you want the accounts to be able to perform.

For a rule group resource, you can specify the following operations in the Actions section of the statement:

  • network-firewall:CreateFirewallPolicy

  • network-firewall:UpdateFirewallPolicy

  • network-firewall:ListRuleGroups

For a firewall policy resource, you can specify the following operations in the Actions section of the statement:

  • network-firewall:AssociateFirewallPolicy

  • network-firewall:ListFirewallPolicies

In the Resource section of the statement, you specify the ARNs for the rule groups and firewall policies that you want to share with the account that you specified in Arn.


An empty list.

Request syntax

  ResourceArn = "string",
  Policy = "string"