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Execute Fast Reset

neptunedata_execute_fast_reset R Documentation

The fast reset REST API lets you reset a Neptune graph quicky and easily, removing all of its data


The fast reset REST API lets you reset a Neptune graph quicky and easily, removing all of its data.

Neptune fast reset is a two-step process. First you call execute_fast_reset with action set to initiateDatabaseReset. This returns a UUID token which you then include when calling execute_fast_reset again with action set to performDatabaseReset. See Empty an Amazon Neptune DB cluster using the fast reset API.

When invoking this operation in a Neptune cluster that has IAM authentication enabled, the IAM user or role making the request must have a policy attached that allows the neptune-db:ResetDatabase IAM action in that cluster.


neptunedata_execute_fast_reset(action, token)



[required] The fast reset action. One of the following values:

  • initiateDatabaseReset   –   This action generates a unique token needed to actually perform the fast reset.

  • performDatabaseReset   –   This action uses the token generated by the initiateDatabaseReset action to actually perform the fast reset.


The fast-reset token to initiate the reset.


A list with the following syntax:

  status = "string",
  payload = list(
    token = "string"

Request syntax

  action = "initiateDatabaseReset"|"performDatabaseReset",
  token = "string"