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Associate Qualification With Worker

mturk_associate_qualification_with_worker R Documentation

The AssociateQualificationWithWorker operation gives a Worker a Qualification


The associate_qualification_with_worker operation gives a Worker a Qualification. associate_qualification_with_worker does not require that the Worker submit a Qualification request. It gives the Qualification directly to the Worker.

You can only assign a Qualification of a Qualification type that you created (using the create_qualification_type operation).

Note: associate_qualification_with_worker does not affect any pending Qualification requests for the Qualification by the Worker. If you assign a Qualification to a Worker, then later grant a Qualification request made by the Worker, the granting of the request may modify the Qualification score. To resolve a pending Qualification request without affecting the Qualification the Worker already has, reject the request with the reject_qualification_request operation.


mturk_associate_qualification_with_worker(QualificationTypeId, WorkerId,
  IntegerValue, SendNotification)



[required] The ID of the Qualification type to use for the assigned Qualification.


[required] The ID of the Worker to whom the Qualification is being assigned. Worker IDs are included with submitted HIT assignments and Qualification requests.


The value of the Qualification to assign.


Specifies whether to send a notification email message to the Worker saying that the qualification was assigned to the Worker. Note: this is true by default.


An empty list.

Request syntax

  QualificationTypeId = "string",
  WorkerId = "string",
  IntegerValue = 123,
  SendNotification = TRUE|FALSE